A Review of “Our Authorized Bible Vindicated,” by B. G. Wilkinson

A Strangely Related Discovery

The R.V. has been in the field for full fifty years, and the A.R.V. for thirty years. But the reverent and renowned textual critics of these decades, representing every branch of Protestantism, and devoting their lives to this specialized study (a field into which none of the representatives of this cause have made any serious excursions or contributions),—have failed to confirm the contention of the author. This is a phase of indirect evidence that cannot be minimized. RABV 38.2

That the ablest Protestant critics and scholars of the past half-century, who have had access to all the material cited by the author, and more, should have failed to seriously discern the hand of Rome or the bias of Modernism in the Revised Versions is more than passing strange; it is pointedly significant. RABV 38.3

Though the A.R.V. is published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, forty-two Protestant Evangelical denominations hold the copyright of the A.R.V. through the International Council of Religious Education, and in 1929 this was renewed for a period of 28 years. The general secretary of this organization, Hugh S. Magill, writing under date of Jan. 26, 1931, in response to an inquiry as to whether they were acquainted with serious challenge of the A.R.V. on the two counts of “Modernistic influence” and of “Catholic bias,” speaks as follows: RABV 39.1

“There is no justification whatever in the statement that the American Standard Bible is either Modernist or Fundamentalist. It is a faithful translation of the Scriptures without regard for conservative or liberal schools of thought and teaching, made by a very distinguished group of Biblical scholars during the last years of the previous century, and first published in 1901. It has been in general use for the past 30 years, and is carried today in parallel columns with the King James Version in such conservative papers as the Sunday School Times and others. RABV 39.2

“We have no collation of the views or comments on the issuance of the American Standard Bible, but we do know that it is in very general use, particularly among Biblical scholars of all denominations and different faiths. The suggestion that there was Roman Catholic influence in the Revision Committee has never been raised before that we knew of, and we think there is no ground whatever for it. There were no Catholics on the Revision Committee, and if it had been influenced as suggested the question would have been raised years ago. RABV 39.3

“The 42 Protestant Evangelical denominations represented in the International Council of Religious Education, which owns the copyright to this edition of the Bible, all regard it with favor, and I think practically all of them use it in preparing their Sunday School lesson helps.” RABV 39.4

If we were to accept denominationally the unproven assertions of the volume under review,—as to a pro-Roman and Modernistic bias of the A.R.V.,—we would become the laughing stock of the reverent Christian scholarship of the world, which we are commissioned also to reach with our message, and would thereby increase immeasurably the difficulty which already confronts us in the prosecution of our task. And whatever perils may assail the Sacred word in the future have absolutely no bearing whatsoever upon the purely historic experiences of the past. RABV 39.5