Millennial Musings


HYMN 117. P. M

1 The Lord of hosts is on my side,
In him-him only, I confide,
Nor shall confide in vain;
Amidst ten thousand foes and snares,
Amidst ten thousand anxious cares,
He can my soul sustain.
MIM 130.3

2 I will not yield to servile fear,
Though all the fiends of hell draw near,
To fight, and rage, and rave;
My gracious God is also nigh,
And will their hostile rage defy;
He is at hand to save.
MIM 130.4

3 Let us our hope in God express,
Our hope is in his mighty grace, And still in him confide;
With dauntless courage let us rise,
Press on, and win the gracious prize,
For God is on our side.
MIM 130.5