Millennial Musings


HYMN 51. C. M

1 Zion, the city of our God,
How glorious is the place!
The Savior there has his abode,
And sinners see his face.
MIM 63.1

2 Firm against every adverse shock
Its mighty bulwarks prove;
‘T is built upon the living Rock,
And walled around with love.
MIM 63.2

3 There all the fruits of glory grow,
And joys that never die;
And streams of grace and knowledge flow,
The soul to satisfy.
MIM 63.3

4 Come, set your faces Zion ward,
The sacred road inquire;
And let a union to the Lord
Be henceforth your desire.
MIM 63.4

5 The gospel shines to give you light,
No longer, then, delay;
The spirit waits to guide you right,
And Jesus is the way.
MIM 63.5

6 O Lord, regard thy people’s prayer,
Thy promise now fulfil; And young and old by grace prepare
To dwell on Zion’s hill.
MIM 63.6