Membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Battle Creek, Mich.




In the following list of names of persons,

ab denotes that those individuals do not live in Battle Creek;

o that they are employed in the

s that they belong at the Sanitarium;

c that they are connected with the College or Church School. MBC90 13.1

Abbey, Samuel L
Abbey, Mary L
Abbott, Sarahab
Affolter, Lillies
Albee, Adaab
Aldrich, Homer Mo
Aldrich, Martiet
Aldrich, Abbeys
Amadon, George W.o
Amadon, Martha D.
Amadon, Grace
Anderson, W. H.c
Andrews, C. M.o
Andrews, Marie
Annes, William
Archer, Will G.c
Armor, Evaab
Armstrong, Florenceab
Arnbrecht, Johno
Arnold, Williamab
Arnold, Grace
Arnold, Johno
Arnold, Netties
Arnold, Richardab
Arnold, Francisc
Ashley, Marcus
Ashley, Maggie C
Ashley, Melora
Atherton, Wm Ro
Atherton, Susie
Atherton, A. W.
Atherton, Mary G.
Aul, Wm. A.ab
Aul, Maudab
Ayers, Elvira B
Ayers, Catherine
Bacheller, J. W.o
Bacheller, Arvilla M
Bailey, Frank
Bailey, Ella E
Bailey, Kateo
Bain, Marias
Baker, Elizabeth As
Baker, Elizabeth
Baldwin, Jeanettec
Barden, Harrietab
Barnes, Edwinc
Barnes, Minnie M
Barnes, Edithab
Barr, Clarence H
Barr, Ella S
Barr, Joie S
Barry, Alphonso
Bartholf, Hattie M Cab
Bauer, Idac
Beach, Sarahab
Bean, Mary
Bean, Sophia R
Beatty, Francisab
Becker, Elizabetho
Becker, Maryo
Beebe, Sarah Iab
Beebe, Nettiec
Bee, Laura Cs
Belden, Frank Eo
Belden, Hattie
Belknap, Lewis Js
Belknap, Ninas
Belknap, Ellas
Bell, Goodloe H
Bennett, Effie
Berkhardt, Louisas
Bervier, Welcott, Jessie
Beuchel, Oscaro
Beuchel, Nellie
Biser, Julia A
Biser, Hattie Mc
Blakely, Wm Ao
Bobholz, Ameliaab
Boggs, Ona Mab
Booth, Sanford M
Booth, Julia M
Borroughs, Sybilab
Boughton, Geo Wab
Boughton, Ruthab
Bourdeau, Augustinec
Bowen, S Aab
Boyd, Leslie Cab
Brallier, Salliec
Braucht, Fredc
Bray, Eunice Fs
Brigham, Noble S
Brigham, Elsie
Brisbin, Coraab
Brisbin, Wm Lab
Brown, Fannies
Brown, George Mc
Buchanan, Robt As
Buchanan, Jessieab
Bucher, Julias
Burch, Elizabeth Eab
Burleigh, Fredab
Burt, L Aliceab
Burt, Maudc
Busk, Edward
Busk, Mary
Busk, Lunao
Butler, Hilando
Butler, Clara B.
Butler, W Po
Byington, Mary Kc
Caldwell, Loyd
Caldwell, Lou
Capps, Jessiec
Carey, Edwardc
Carlson, Sofieo
Carlstadt, Esther Eab
Carpenter, Lorinda
Carr, Fred Wab
Carr, B Oab
Carr, Mary F
Carr, Emmas
Carr, Jessieab
Case, Edwin S
Casson, Kittieab
Castberg, Christophero
Castberg, Elsie S
Castle, Warren B
Castle, Jessieo
Castle, Myrtieo
Cemer, Jacob
Cemer, Charlotte
Chamberlain, Mary Aab
Chamberlain, Phoebe Rab
Chambers, J B
Chambers, Hattie
Chapman, L C
Chapman, Minerva J
Chapman, Myra
Chase, Hattie E
Chrisman, Chas Co
Chrisman, Wilda W
Clark, Emma
Clawson, Louisa
Clements, Clark
Coggeshall, R H
Coggeshall, Jennie H
Coleman, A M
Colvin, Edith
Cook, E Aab
Cook, Florac
Cook, Maggie
Cook, Minas
Cooper, Samuel Wo
Cooper, Alice I
Cooper, Hattie
Cooper, Addieo
Corliss, J O
Corliss, Julia
Corliss, Lulu
Cornell, Myron J
Cornell, Cornelia A
Corwin, Prudence J
Cottle, Mary
Cowie, D Murrayc
Crandall, George
Crandall, Elizabeth
Crandall, Lizzie
Crawford, Byrons
Crawford, Vincents
Cronkrite, Jas S
Cronkrite, Mrs J S
Cross, Wash Jab
Cross, Viola Oab
Cross, Edsono
Crowther, Arthurc
Crowther, Davidc
Crowther, Richardc
Curtis, Emily Jab
Curtis, S L
Cushing, Johnnieab
Cunningham, Jane
Dahl, Christineab
Daigneau, Carrie
Dail, Guy Lc
Dalbey, W Co
Darling, Ezra W
Davis, Catherine Lab
Davis, Obadiahab
Davis, Alvira Lab
Davis, Willie T
Day, Jessie Lab
De Forest, Perryab
De Forest, Amyab
Dennis, Sarahab
Derrickson, C W
Derrickson, Maggie
Devereaux, Nellieab
De Yarmond, Chas B
Dinsmore, Lizzieo
Dolson, Johnab
Dorcas, Charles Ac
Downs, Ashley
Downs, E Co
Downs, Kateo
Duffie, M Bo
Duffie, Julia E
Dunlap, H Ms
Dunlap, Rhoda Ss
Durland, J H
Durland, Flora
Eastman, Frankc
Edwards, Will Ho
Edwards, Mary A
Eels, Martha
Egbert, Delilaab
Egbert, Juliaab
Eldridge, Clement,o
Eldridge, Susan M
Eldridge, Clement Jrc
Ellingsworth, Cappies
Emery, Simon O
Emery, Lovina
Emery, Mammie E
Ernst, Gideon Fs
Ernst, Mary M
Evans, Gracie Aab
France, Lillianab
Feals, Lorettaab
Fields, Effie Steward
Fishell, Andrewo
Fitzgerald, Sarah M
Fitzgerald, Irettao
Fitzgerald, Normano
Flaherty, Laurettaab
Flatt, C Cab
Flatt, Anna H Stewardab
Fletcher, Bon Hab
Foot, Elsies
Ford, Augustus
Ford, Lydia E
Fordham, Mary
Forsburg, C Wab
Foster, Stellas
Foster, Jennie
Foy, John Qs
Foy, Mary Ss
Francis, Marion
Francisco, Johnab
Francisco, Isabellab
Francisco, Lillianab
Francisco, Idaab
Frazier, Catherine
French, Mary E
Frisbie, Delphia J
Frisbie, Orin B
Frisbie, Stella
Frisbie, Dellao
Fulton, Margaretc
Gabbey, Emily
Gage, Wm C
Gage, Nellie
Gage, Fred
Gage, Kate M
Gage, Frank
Gage, Jessie
Gage, Linnie
Gammon, Edithab
Gardiner, Howell
Gardiner, Delia
Gardiner, Clara
Gardiner, Mary M
Gass, May Jab
Gaston, Benjaminab
Geddins, Hannah Sab
George, Amelia
George, Wm Aab
Gerould, Myrtie
Giddings, H Eab
Giddings, Emma Mc
Gifford, Ellen Hab
Gilbert, Delia
Giles, Sarah M
Giles, Eva Bab
Gilpin, Aliceab
Gleason, Jane C
Glover, C S
Glover, Clarissa E
Goddard, Mollyab
Godsmark, Otho Cab
Goebel, Virginiac
Eliakim Goebeillec
Golden, Sarah N
Goodale, Minerva L
Grant, Walter
Graves, Leander
Graves, Elizabeth
Green, Erastuss
Griffin, I W
Griffin, Clarinda N
Griffin, Eugeneo
Griffin, Edith S
Griggs, Lucelia Mab
Grohens, Albertab
Hadley, Geo
Hadley, Ellen
Hair, Chestero
Hall, Wm Hs
Hall, Ella M
Hall, Lethac
Hall, Cleora
Hall, Lucinda Ms
Hamilton, Stellaab
Hamill, Flora
Hance, Florence
Hanson, Petero
Hanson, Peters
Hanson, Sassi, Rosalie
Hare, Jennie Vab
Harper, Georgieab
Harr, Burleigh, Graceab
Harris, Andrew Jo
Harris, Edwardc
Harris, Mary Lc
Harris, May
Harrison, Altac
Hart, Russel A
Hart, B V
Hart, Minnie
Harter, Dellaab
Hartman, Ida Lab
Hartman, Nelliec
Haskell, Emma Tab
Hastings, F Wilson
Hastings, Hannah L
Haughey, J Q A
Haughey, Lavina
Haughey, Joseph Hc
Haughey, Sara E
Haughey, Susan A
Haughey, Arthur Cab
Hawkins, Vesta Dab
Hawver, Mattieab
Henry, A Ro
Henry, Elizabeth E
Herns, Henry W
Herns, Hattie
Hess, Georgec
Heyraud, Francoiss
Hicks, Lucinda Bab
Hill, Delias
Hobbs, George A
Hobbs, Alice M
Hogue, Jennie Aab
Holley, Ida Iab
Holm, Jens
Holm, Augusta P
Holmes, Nettie
Hornady, Mary
Housam, Fannie,ab
House, Hattieo
Houser, Alice
Houser, Allie M
Howe, Fredab
Howland, Louisa M
Hughes, Cassiusc
Hughes, J S
Hughes, Elizabeth
Hughes, L Jc
Hughes, Arthurc
Hughes, Florencec
Huguley, Danielc
Huguley, Phillis
Humpreys, Wm
Humphreys, Frances
Hunt, Lydia
Hunt, Sarah L
Hunt, Franko
Hunt, Emmaab
Hunt, Jennieab
Hunter, Maryab
Huntley, Susan A
Hurd, Wm Mo
Hutchins, Emmas
James, Maggie Bs
Jensen, Maryo
Jensen, Myras
Jensen, Fredo
Jensen, Anna M
Jensen, Sine Marie
Johnson, Isaac No
Johnson, Martha
Johnson, Emmao
Johnson, Willies
Johnson, Maryab
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Bro Collie Lc
Jones, Albertab
Jones, Lewellync
Judd, Geos
Kalstrom, Fredc
Kelley, A Wc
Kelley, Hattie
Kelley, Huldahc
Kellogg, Ann J
Kellogg, John Hs
Kellogg, Wm Ks
Kellogg, Ella D
Kellogg, Henry Wab
Kellogg, Annette E
Kellogg, Hester A
Kelsea, Jane M
Kelsea, Clarence Go
Kelsea, Winnie Lo
Kennedy, Selinda
Kennedy, Wm N
Kennedy, Charlotte S
Kenzie, Anna L
Keyt, Lizzieab
Kiep, Clara
Kiep, Dorao
Kiep, Mayc
Kilgore, Asenath M
Kilgore, Chasc
Kilgore, Lenac
Kimpton, Rosa Bab
King, Geo J
Kingsley, Mary
Kingsley, Lucy Eo
Kingsley, Maryab
Kistler, Belle
Kolvoord, Johno
Kolvoord, Anna
Kynett, W H
Kynett, Eunice
Kynett, Lydia E
Lane, Ella S
Lane, Sands Hab
Lane, Permeliaab
Larsen, Lewisab
Larson, Ameliaab
Laughhead, Jamesc
Laughhead, Cora Wc
Lawrence, L Lo
Lawrence, Addie C
Lawrence, Norrisc
Lawrence, Mattieab
Lawrence, Elvirac
Ledingham, Wmo
Ledingham, Maria
Lewis, Jonah R
Lewis, Theodore B
Lewis, Eleanor M
Lewis, Ogden
Lewis, Lettie
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, James
Lewis, Theo Jro
Lipsey, O Gab
Lipsey, Myrtle
Littlejohn, Addie C H
Lockwood, Ransom Gab
Lockwood, Aurora Bab
Lockwood, Martha
Lockwood, H Co
Long, Frank Go
Long, Emmas
Loper, A Nelsonab [handwritten: s]
Loughborough, Eliza A
Loughborough, E Co
Loughborough, Enanora S
Lucas, James W
Lucas, Almira
Lucas, Rosa
Lucas, Gracie
Madert, Nettieab
Mallory, Myrtle
Markham, Emma L
Marshall, Maryab
Martin, Samuels
Martin, Jessies
Martin, Marys
Marvin, Chas Fo
Marvin, Lettie E
Mason, Alfred H
Mason, Inez M
Mathewson, F Ms
Mathewson, Adelia
Maxfield, Effie S
Mc Cume, Walters [handwritten]
Mc Farland, Mrs
Mc Farland, Lewiss
Mc Farland, W Ho
Mc Farland, Clarence Eo
Meade, Clinton Ds
Melendy, B H
Melendy, Nettie S
Melendy, Evart Bc
Merion, Jennieo
Mersman, Josephs
Mersman, Johannas
Miles, Cora Bab
Millard, C A
Miller, Hickman
Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, Madison B
Miller, Anna L
Miller, Lillis I
Miller, Eli Bc
Miller, Eva Pc
Miller, Johno
Miller, W Es
Miller, George
Miller, Martha B
Miller, Sadie Lc
Miner, J Wo
Miner, S Isadores
Moon, Eunice H
Moore, Mary J
Moran, Frankab [handwritten: s]
Morgan, Ida T
Morrical, A Ac
Morris, Sarahs
Morrison, Lucinda Jo
Morse, G Wab
Morse, Lizzie Jab
Morse, Orwin Ac
Morton, John D
Morton, Adelia M
Mudgett, Fannie Wab
Murphy, Geo Hs
Murphy, Mary Ls
Murphy, Geo Bo
Murphy, Eva A
Musser, Jerryab
Nelson, Annas
Nevins, Melissa
Nichols, Mary T
Nichols, Lula
Nicola, Chasc
Nielson, Franc To
Noble, Juliaab
Noble, Jacobo
Noble, Henrietta
Norris, Rose Eo
Oblander, Georgeab
Oldis, Frederic Aab
Olmstead, Mary Ao
Olmstead, Mary Iab
O’Neil, Theodores
Osborne, P Bab
Osborne, Inezab
Owen, Dudley A
Owen, Sarah A
Owen, Herbertc
Owen, Minac
Oxley, D Ko
Oxley, Ellen T
Page, Harrietab
Palmer, Chas Lo
Palmer, Cornelia
Palmquist, Ida
Pangburn, Belleab
Paquette, Hermanab
Paquette, Josephab
Pasco, Martha A
Pease, Deming, Jessieab
Perkins, Rachel
Peterson, Annie
Peterson, Berthao
Phillips, Ruth R
Place, Julia Cs
Pontiour, Noah Aab
Pooley, Margaretab
Popoff, E Sab
Prescott, Wm Wc
Prescott, Sarah Fc
Prosser, Rachelab
Pullen, Eldon Hs
Pullen, Nora C
Putnam, Wm W
Putnam, Cecil L
Rahn, Paul Co
Rahn, Sophiaab
Ramsey, Truman
Ramsey, Mary E
Ramsey, Carrie Fab
Randel, Edwardab
Randolph, Caroline
Randolph, Henrys
Read, Claraab
Ream, Vinnieab
Reavis, Evelyn G
Reavis, Lillian A
Reed, Mary Jo
Renson, Leilac
Reynolds, Williamc
Rhodes, Julia M
Rhodes, Clinton Do
Rhodes, Trudie A
Richards, John T
Riley, W Hs
Riley, Minnies
Robert, Fredo
Robinson, John R
Robinson, Alice C
Robinson, Wm
Roscoe, Louisab
Rosenbaum, Andrewo
Ross, Sarah
Roth, Arnoldo
Roth, Maryc
Roth, Pauls
Rowe, Dora F
Rowe, Alverda M
Rowe, Ethie
Rowe, Frankie Belle
Rowe, Matie
Rupert, G G
Rupert, Lovina
Rupert, Harrie
Rupert, Josiec
Rusher, Jessiec
Sager, Viola E
Salisbury, Burleigh
Salisbury, Clara F
Sanders, Chas Nc
Sassi, Ms [handwritten]
Sawyer, Robt Ds
Scantlin, Harmon A
Scantlin, Mary G
Schneppe, Carlo
Scott, Elsie D
Scott, Elsie K
Sevy, Henry J
Sevy, Ethel A
Sharpe, W D
Sharpe, Sarah F
Shaw, Emma Ls
Shull, B Mo
Shull, Mary
Sickles, Freeman E
Sickles, Kate
Simkin, H Eo
Simkin, Jennie T
Simons, Emily
Simpkins, Mary
Sisley, Susannahab
Sisley, Wm Cab
Sisley, Freddie Hab
Sisley, Richardab
Sisson, Elizabeth
Slawson, Lucy
Smith, Uriaho
Smith, Harriet N
Smith, Wiltono
Smith, Leon Ao
Smith, Anna A
Smith, Parker
Smith, Asahel
Smith, Susannah
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Matilda A
Smith, Wheaton K
Smith, Chas Ao
Smith, Kittieab
Smith, Lizzie
Smith, Emma
Smith, Sr. M E
Smith, Elizabeth
Sosey, Johnc
Soucey, Frank
Soucey, Addie
Sower, Brooks Aab
Spaulding, Vernieo
Spaulding, Lulu Mo
Spear, Horaceo
Spear, Myrtie H
Spencer, Elizabeth
Spencer, Lurac
Sperry, J Byron
Sperry, Nellie N
Spicer, Ambrose C
Spicer, Susan M
Spicer, Julian H
Spicer, Ettie
Staines, N Rab
Staines, Carrieab
Stanton, Rose Mab
Stark, Ann
Stauffer, A Bab
Steinhauer, Helen Aab
Sterling, Geo. Wab
Steward, Thaddeus M
Steward, Myrtie M
Steward, Mary A
Steward, Randall
Steward, Sarah M
Stites, David M
Stites, Sarah
Stites, Elizabeth
St John, J M
St John, Mar A
Stowell, L O
Stowell, Melissa M
Stowell, Bessieo
Strong, S Lo
Strong, Bessiec
Swan, Sarah M
Swan, Ellao
Swedberg, Augusto
Swedberg, Emma H
Taarud, Lena Fab
Taphouse, Jamess
Taphouse, Gertrude
Taphouse, Earl
Taylor, Randolph Eo
Taylor, Maria
Thornton, Emmas
Thorp, Christian
Tivoli, Eliseeo
Tozer, Mary E
Travis, Jane
Tyrel, Wm. Es
Tyrel, Effie A
Tyrell, May
Valentiner, Theoo
Valentiner, Emma
Vernon, W H Do
Veysey, Marthaab
Veysey, Lucyab
Vuilleumier, Johnab
Wade, Lydia
Waggoner, Ellery Cab
Waggoner, Nellie Jab
Wales, F T
Wales, Abbie Eab
Walker, Eli S
Walker, Eliza
Warner, Nettie Ms
Warren, Belle Proctor
Waterman, C Cs
Waterman, Maggie
Weakley, Johnab
Webster, Ameliaab [handwritten: s]
Welch, Bennie H
Welch, Lucy K
Welch, John
Welch, Ammys
Wells, Susan Fab
Werner, Chasab
Wessels, Francisc
Wessels, Sister H
Whalen, Rosmac
Whipple, John G
Whipple, Sarah B
White, James E
White, Emma
Whiteis, Uriaho
Whiteis, Maryo
Whitford, Linda
Whitney, Esthers
Whitney, Jeans
Wight, Shermanc
Wilbur, Wm S
Wilcox, Chaso
Wilcox, Addie W
Wilson, Chas Wo
Wilson, Dora S
Wilson, May
Winslow, Henry
Winslow, Rebecca D H
Witt, A R
Witt, Dellia
Wolcott, Mary
Wolger, Ernestab
Wood, Cordie Hab
Woolsey, Emma Ho
Wooster, Ella Aab
Wright, J Warren
Wright, Georgiana
Wright, Sally
Wright, Alma E
Wright, Walter
Wright, Mary
Wright, Gardner
Wright, Jennieo
Young, Fanny
Zelinsky, Frank