Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis

W. C. White to L. R. Conradi, Jun. 26, 1889

June 26-89.
From W. C. White
Elder L. R. Conradi,
Hamburg, Germany.

My dear Brother:-It has been a long long time since I have heard anything from you, except a very brief report at the Committee meeting. I have been much rejoiced through a letter from Elder Holser, and also through your article in the Review, to learn of you prospects. Some one told me that persons have been invited to come from Austria, Russia, Poland, and Holland to attend your school, I hope this is so, and that others will come from other places MMM 145.1

We are certainly nearing the end of time and we need to improve every opportunity to advance the work. We cannot afford to lose a year or a month. We have had some most excellent meetings here this summer. The ministerial institute at Ottawa Kansas was a marked success, there was a large attendance, and real earnest faithful work was done. Of course the time was too short to take up more than three or four subjects, but in the study of these the Brethren felt that they were greatly benefited. I presume you have heard from brother Wakeham the nature of the instruction and its influence upon the workers, he has no doubt told you how that several of the brethren came on the ground prepared to oppose the views which Elder Jones was presenting, and how that this work and spirit was revealed to Mother, in dreams the first night that she was on the grounds. It seems that her decided testimony was the means of opening the eyes of some at an early stage of the meeting, and it was and it was truly encouraging to see the blessing enjoyed by Brn. Wakeham, Washburn, Porter and several others. They went home with a new light in their hearts and with a new story to tell of the love and the goodness of God and of his infinite power to save. It was remarkable how soon I felt this change, as soon as I reached the camp-ground. Several of those who I met at Minneapolis and desired to form friendly acquaintance with but it seemed as though the re was an ice barrier between us, which I did not understand, met me cordially at Ottawa, and we enjoyed precious seasons in planning about the work. How good the Lord is to send his melting, subduing influence and spirit into our hearts, natural y so cold and hard, The melting away of these barriers which we allow prejudice to erect in our minds, with so little provocation. I often think of you, and the perplexing wearing position that you must be in, with laborers from several countries each one with his own prejudices, his own peculiarities, and his on own national likes and dislikes. How much of the spirit of the Lord you need to meet each one in patience and in love. How much you need of the spirit of the Lord to be with you each day and each hour that you may be an example to these who in their turn will go to their, countries to be an example and pattern to others, I wish I could come to see you, I have a strong longing of late to visit our European missions again, but I do not know that this will ever be so. I should like to hear from you relative MMM 145.2

[Selection ends here.] MMM 146.1