Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


W. C. White to G. I. Butler, Aug. 16, 1888

[Selection from letter.] MMM 75.1

You say you have thought much about the institute to precede the General Conference. I hope your thoughts are favorable, for I sincerely believe it ought to be held. I cannot believe that the time of such an institute should be given up wholly to the study of doctrinal subjects, but I can see no objection to having one or two hours a day devoted to the study of such subjects as you mention, and others that may be equally important. I suppose such an institute would be an additional tax on the brethren of Minneapolis, and presume they ought to be consulted before its appointment. MMM 75.2

[It appears a line is missing] MMM 76.1

Our brethren seeing eye to eye. It seems to me that such an institute as we propose, conduct to in a kind, brotherly, and impartial manner, would do more to bring about the desired results that any thing else that could happen. For our brethren who hold different views to sit down together in a kind and Christian spirit and patiently hear each other present their views, would, I believe, by the blessing of God result in a more intelligent and permanent unity than any other plan. We cannot prevent either our brethren or our opponents from giving a most searching examination and criticism to those points of faith which “have been accepted;” and if our accepted expositions are not sufficiently clear to stand the most severe criticism ought we not to put froth our best efforts to strengthen them? If we should use our influence to discourage criticism and investigation, and refer all investigators to certain books as standard authority would we not be taking a position somewhat similar those who settle their controversies by reference to a creed which their church has adopted? I have a large degree of confidence in the judgment and decision of our ministers as a body. Some may be blind on certain points, but I believe that the Lord will give them wisdom to choose the right position on any question in which both sides are fairly kingly presented. MMM 76.2

My great anxiety for the proposed institute is not only that doctrinal subjects may be considered, but that instruction may be given with reference to the duties of church officers, and, if you please to add it, some of the duties of conference officers, that there may be consultation on this and how to advance our mission work.... MMM 76.3

[Selection ends here.] MMM 76.4