Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



How the Adventist Children Give Up
Their Christmas Presents for the
Sake of the Heathen—A Queer
Method of Raising Funds.

The Adventist brethren, after resting on the seventh day of the week, began the labors of the conference again at the accustomed early hour yesterday morning and with renewed vigor. Elder Waggoner spoke at the early morning session on the subject of “Two Covenants, and Their Relation to the Law.” At the 10:30 meeting the conference as a body took up again the question of the foreign missions. Their financial status was the chief concern, and many plans were discussed as to the best methods for getting the missions out of debt and on a sound financial basis. Nearly all the money that goes to support the foreign missions comes from the United States. In years past this work has been kept up by donations made at Christmas. It is customary to hold a week of general prayer the last day coming on Christmas, and on this day the donations for the year are made. MMM 582.1