Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Mention of Some of the Eminent Men Who Will Be Prominent in the General Conference of Adventists. MMM 571.2

The Adventist general conference, which opens here today, naturally brings together the most notable men in that sect from all over the world. Elder S. M. [sic] Haskell, who, in the absence of President Butler, will preside over the sessions of the conference, is regarded as one of the ablest men in the Adventist church. He has been in this work now for over twenty years, and much of this time he has spent in various foreign countries. He is an active laborer in both the home and foreign field. Two of the past three years he spent in Australia, where he started the paper known as the “Bible Echo and Signs of the Times,” one of the leading Adventist journals of the world. He is president of the international tract society, and in the course of his labors in that line has organized tract societies in every state and country in which there is a conference. He is the second member of the executive committee, President Butler being the only one who exceeds him in authority. MMM 571.3

Elder Uriah Smith, among the prompt arrivals yesterday, has the reputation of being one of the ablest writers and speakers in the conference, and is, moreover, a profound scholar. He is the author of several theological works, chief among them being his “Thoughts on the Book of Daniel and the Revelation.” This is said to be the most exhaustive work on that subject that was [sic] ever been published. He is also editor of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, a paper published in the interests of the church at Battle Creek, Mich. MMM 572.1

Dr. J. H. Kellogg, president of the American Health and Temperance association and physician in charge of the big sanitarium at Battle Creek, will be present during a portion of the conference and will give two or three lectures on subjects appertaining to his work during the course of his stay. Dr. Kellogg is also editor of the medical journal Good Health and the author of a large number of medical works, among them a new phsyiology designed for school use which is now in press. The Battle Creek sanitarium is the largest in the world. MMM 572.2

Messrs. J. J. [sic] Waggoner and A. T. Jones, prominent men among the delegates, are editors of the American Sentinel, a paper published at Oakland, Cal., noted for its rigid opposition to all phases of religious legislation. MMM 572.3

n. a., “The Conference Commences” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (10/18/1888), p. 6. MMM 573.1