Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Annual Conference of the Seventh MMM 567.5

Day Adventists of America—The Extensive MMM 567.6

Preparations for the Meeting— MMM 567.7

Yesterday’s Services. MMM 567.8

The annual general conference of the Seventh Day Adventists of America will convene next Wednesday morning at the Adventist church on Lake street. Extensive preparations are being [made] for the accommodation of the expected delegates and visitors, and as a sort of preparation for the regular exercises of the conference, daily sessions devoted to Bible study and theological instruction have been held since Wednesday last. The general conference was held at Oakland, Cal., last year, and previous to that time in various large Eastern cities. A few of the delegates have already arrived and are helping in the preparatory exercises. It is expected that there will be about one hundred delegates present, representing nearly all the states and several of the European countries. Besides the regular delegates there will be many visitors. Among the delegates will be some of the ablest men in the Adventist church. There will be business sessions each day. In the evenings there will be sermons by some of the most noted among the visiting ministers, and a number of practical talks or lectures on live subjects of interest to everybody. It is intended to make these lectures one of the most entertaining features of the conference, and people of all faiths are invited. There is no scheduled time for bringing the conference to an end. In years past it has taken between two and three weeks to finish up the business and complete the programmes. It is expected that the present session will be fully as long as there is considerable business to be transacted. In addition to the regular conference business there will be held the annual meetings of the International Tract Society, and the International Sabbath School and American Health and Temperance association. MMM 567.9