Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis
Seventh Day Adventists Are About Ready
to Go to Their Homes.
The Seventh Day Adventists have about finished their active work in this city, and although religious exercises will take place today and tomorrow, the important business of the conference has been finished, and by Monday the members will have departed for home. Yesterday morning the International Sabbath School Association held a session in which the work of that organization was very generally discussed and work for the future outlined. At 10 o’clock a general conference was held, in which many changes were made among the ministry, and resolutions were passed for the raising of funds to educate foreigners who might be of utility in propagating the theories of the Adventists in foreign lands. It is proposed to educate in this country natives of several foreign lands after which they will proselyte among their own countrymen. In the afternoon a report was made by the committee on credentials and licenses. A large amount of miscellaneous business was also attended to, after which the International Tract and Missionary Society held its session. Last night Elder Matteson spoke on foreign missions. MMM 565.2
Today, which is the Adventists’ Sabbath, religious exercises will be held. S. N. Haskell will speak at 10:30 and Mrs. White at 2:30. At 12 o’clock on Sunday the conference will adjourn and a large number of the Adventists will leave the city upon that night. As to the next meeting of the conference, it is expected that it will take place at Battle Creek, although the executive committee will not decide for some months. Among other things accomplished during the conference, it has been decided to open an Adventist school in the city. It will be held in the basement of the Adventist church. Prof. Lewis will be principal, and it is expected that it will open immediately. MMM 565.3