Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Seventh Day Adventists Elected Officers
for the Ensuing Year.

The world’s conference of the Seventh Day Adventists has about closed its labors in this city, and today will probably witness the end of this session. Yesterday the election of officers for the insuing [sic] year took place. Mr. O. A. Olson [sic], the head of the Seventh Day Adventist Publishing house at Christiana, Norway, was elected president, and will probably come to this country to perform the duties of that office. Daniel T. Jones, of St. Louis, Mo., was elected first secretary, W. H. Edwards, of Battle Creek, corresponding secretary, Geo. B. Stam [sic], of Chicago, secretary of the Home Missionary Association, and W. C. White, of Oakland, Cal., secretary of the foreign missions. W. W. Prescott, A. M., the president of the Advent college at Battle Creek, Mich., was elected secretary of the educational association. The executive committee as elected consists of O. A. Olson [sic], S. N. Haskell, Uriah Smith, Geo. I. Butler, W. W. Prescott, W. C. White, E. W. Farnsworth and R. M. Kilgore. A book committee was also appointed, the members of which are to have entire control of the books published by the Seventh Day Adventists, and to whose criticism all published matter must be subjected. MMM 563.2

The new officers entered into the duties this afternoon, when a conference meeting was held for the establishment of missionary schools. It was determined to establish a German school at Milwaukee, while an English missionary tract school will be instituted at Chicago, Ill. In addition to these a French school will be founded at St. Louis, Mo. MMM 563.3

Resolutions were passed authorizing the establishment at London. England, of a branch office of the Review and Herald, the papers of the Seventh Day Adventists published at Battle Creek. In the evening the International Tract and Missionary Society held a session in which the progress of the past year was discussed at length. MMM 564.1

n.a., “Their Work About Finished” Minneapolis Tribune, (11/03/1888), p. 5. MMM 565.1