Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Seventh-day Adventists Will Hold MMM 561.2

Regular Religious Services. MMM 561.3

Yesterday, as the sun sank below the western horizon, the Sunday of the Seventh-day Adventists commenced, and the little church at the corner of Lake street and Fourth avenue was crowded with the Adventists assembled for evening prayers. MMM 561.4

“Our Sunday is the last day in the week, as it is directed in the Bible,” said one of the brethren, “and it lasts from sunset to sunset, as is also expressed in the holy writ.” MMM 561.5

Yesterday was rather an uneventful day among the Adventists. No business was transacted in the morning, while in the afternoon Mr. Kellogg, the medical superintendent of the Battle Creek sanitarium, gave a lecture before the American Association on Health on “Temperance.” In the evening session the Adventists were addressed by Elder Van Home [sic]. Today the regular religious exercises of the church will be held. R. A. Underwood will preach in the morning, while it is expected that in the evening either Alex, [sic] White or S. L. [sic] Haskell, of London, England, will deliver a discourse. MMM 561.6

n.a., “Seventh Day Adventists” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/28/1888). p. 5. MMM 562.1

Seventh Day Adventists

Yesterday the Adventists held their Sabbath exercises in the Advent Church on Lake street. In the morning Mrs. White, of Oakland, Cal., delivered a sermon to the congregation, and at 3 o’clock in the afternoon R. A. Underwood delivered another discourse. Immediately succeeding this, Mrs. White made another address which was interpreted by Mr. Lewis Johnson, of Chicago, to a large number of Danes who were in the audience. MMM 562.2

n.a., “Still Working” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/30/1888), p. 5. MMM 562.3