Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Their World’s Conference Begins a Two- MMM 545.2

Weeks Session Today. MMM 545.3

The little wooden church of the Seventh Day Adventists at the corner of Fourth avenue south and Lake street will be the scene of life and activity today, as in it begins the two-weeks session of their world’s conference. Around the church on a number of vacant lots are a great many tents, in which some of the visiting delegates will take up their quarters. A mammoth hall has also been erected. Some of the most distinguished and able speakers of the Seventh Day faith in the world are expected to be present and deliver addresses at different times during the session. The meeting begins at 9 o’clock this morning and will continue all day and evening with intervals. Most of the day will be taken up with the appointment of the various committees, and the reading of the minutes of last year’s annual conference, which was held at Oakland, Cal. Elder S. N. Haskell, of London, Eng., will preside over the meeting in absence of Elder Butler, of Battle Creek, Mich., who is president of the conference. It is possible that the latter gentleman will be in attendance, however, before the adjournment. Among the prominent men who will be present throughout the conference are the following: MMM 545.4

A. N. Haskell [sic], of London; J. G. Mattison, Copenhagen; L. R. Conradi, Germany; Mrs. E. G. White, Oakland, Cal.; E. W. Farnsworth, Des Moines, Iowa; R. A. Underwood, Mesafontaine, O.; E. J. Wagner [sic], editor Signs of the Times, Oakland, Cal.; A. T. Jones, editor American Sentinel, Oakland, Cal. MMM 545.5

Some of these arrived yesterday and others are expected today. MMM 546.1

The Biblical Institute, which has been in session the past week, preparatory to the meeting of the general conference, finished its labors yesterday. The most of the day was devoted to discussions on theological questions. Among those who spoke on the subject were Elder E. J. Waggoner and Elder A. T. Jones, of Oakland, Cal. MMM 546.2

n. a., “Talk of a Prophecy” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/18/1888), p. 5. MMM 547.1