Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Standing Committees as Appointed by the

Conference. MMM 529.1

The Seventh Day Adventist conference yesterday appointed the following standing committees: MMM 529.2

Nominations—J. B. Goodrich, Maine; J. Fargo, Michigan; Daniel J. [sic] Jones, Missouri. MMM 529.3

Resolutions—R. A. Underwood, Ohio: A. T. Robinson, Missouri; A. [sic] Conradi, Switzerland; E. J. Waggoner and E. H. Gates. Colorado. MMM 529.4

Licenses and credentials—R. M. Kilgore, Illinois; L. D. Van Home [sic], Michigan; H. Nicoley [sic], Iowa. MMM 529.5

Distribution of labor—E. W. Farnsworth and G. G. Rupert, Michigan; A. J. Reed, Wisconsin; C. H. Jones, Colorado; Louis Johnson, Minnesota. MMM 529.6

Auditing—C. Eldridge, A. R. Henry, J. Fargo, H. W. Miller. Michigan; A. T. Robinson, Massachusetts; J. W. Kaymond [sic], Pennsylvania. MMM 529.7

Financial—H. Lindsay, A. R. Henry, C. Eldredge [sic], Michigan; C. H. Jones, A. T. Jones, California. MMM 530.1

In the evening Elder Haskell spoke on the work in the foreign mission fields. MMM 530.2

n.a., “Joan of Arc Lives Again” Minneapolis Journal (10/20/1888), p. 2.