Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


After a pleasant journey of nearly six days, we arrived in Battle Creek, Mich., Tuesday night, October 2, and found a most comfortable home at the Sanitarium. Too much cannot well be said in praise of the excellent institution for the care of the sick. Every appliance necessary fur the treatment of disease and the comfort of patient is found there, and best of all in a corps of well-drilled, faithful, and obliging names and attendants. The Sanitarium is meeting with abundant success, for the reason that it has deserved it. MMM 413.1

The college located there is also having a prosperous year. The teachers are all of good courage, and the student seem to engage in their work with hearty enthusiasm. Best of all, there is a good spiritual interest. A Sabbath-school and prayer and social meeting are held solely for the students, and the interest seems to be good. We sincerely wish the laborers in the Sanitarium and college Godspeed in the good work which they are doing. MMM 413.2

The few days that we had to spare passed too quickly, and on the night of the 8th we left with a party of Michigan delegates, for the General Conference at Minneapolis, where we arrived on the morning of the 10th. MMM 413.3

Although but few delegates arrived before the 10th, the institute which had been appointed to precede the Conference was organized that day, according to appointment. The work of the institute was appointed as follows: Devotional meeting, at 7:45 a. m.; consideration of how to advance the work of the message at 9. a. m.; Bible study at 10:30 a. m.; and 2:30 p. m. instruction in regard to the church und church officers at 4 p. m.; and foreign missionary work, at 7:30 p. m. Each department of the work was placed in charge of a special committee, and the program was quite closely followed, with decidedly interesting results. MMM 413.4

The principal subjects of Bible study were the ten kingdoms into which, according to the prophecy, the Roman Empire was divided, the establishment of the Papacy, and of its counterpart, the proponed National Reform Government; and the law and the gospel in their various relations, coming under the general head of justification by faith. These subjects have aroused a deep interest in the minds of all present; and thus for during the Conference one hour a day has been devoted to a continuance of their study. MMM 413.5

The first meeting of the Conference was held October 17, at 9. a. m. Owing to the sickness and necessary absence of the president, Elder Geo. I Butler, Elder S N Haskell was elected president pro term. The various fields are represented in Conference as follows:- MMM 413.6

British Mission-S. N. Haskell. MMM 413.7

California-W. C. White, S. N. Haskell, A. T. Jones, C. H. Jones. K. J. Waggoner. MMM 413.8

Central America-T. H. Gibbs. MMM 413.9

Central Europe:-I. R. Conradi. MMM 413.10

Colorado-E. H. Gates, C. P. Haskell. MMM 413.11

Dakota-W. R. White, N. P. Nelson, Valentine Leer. MMM 413.12

Dexmark-J. G. Matteson. MMM 413.13

Illixoss-G. B. Starr, A. O. Tait. MMM 413.14

Indiana-Wm. Covert, Victor Thompson, B. F. Purdham, R. B. Craig. MMM 413.15

Iowa-J. H. Morrison, C. A. Washburn, H. R. Johnson, W. H. Wakebam, W. R. Smith, H. Nicole. MMM 413.16

Kansas-C. A. Hall L. J. Rousseau, C. McReynolds, J. W. Begby, S. S. Shrock. MMM 413.17

Kentucky-C. W. Flaix. MMM 413.18

Maine-J. B. Goodrich. MMM 413.19

Michigan-I. D. Van Horn, J. Fargo, H. W. Miller, G. G. Rupert, Harmon Lindsay, M. B. Miller, C. Eldridge, J. N. Brant, H. S. Lay, Wm Ostrander, F. D. Starr. MMM 413.20

Minnesota-A. D. Olsen, L. Johnson, H. Grant, C. C. Lewis, Allen Moon, F. L. Mead. MMM 413.21

Missouri-D. T. Jones, J. W. Watt, J. B. Beckner. MMM 413.22

Nebraska-J. P. Ganlner, W. C. Boynton, W. N. Hyatt. MMM 413.23

New England-A. T. Robinson, E. E. Miles. MMM 413.24

New York-M. H. Brown, M. C. Wilcox. MMM 413.25

North Pacific-T. H. Starbuck. MMM 413.26

Norway-J. G. Matteson. MMM 413.27

Ohio-R. A. Underwood, H. M. Mitchell, J. E. Swift. MMM 413.28

Pennsywania-J. W. Raymond, L. C. Chadwick. MMM 413.29

South America-G. G. Rupert. MMM 413.30

Sweden-J. G. Matteson. MMM 413.31

Tennessee-J. M. Rees. MMM 413.32

Texas-T. T. Stevenson. MMM 413.33

Upper Columbia-H. W. Decker. MMM 413.34

Vermont-T. H. Purdon. MMM 413.35

Virginia-R. D. Hattell. MMM 413.36

West Virginia-W. J. Stone. MMM 413.37

Wisconnis-A. J. Breed, W. W. Sharp, W. S. Hyatt, B. M. Shull, P. H. Cady. MMM 413.38

The following were counted among the delegates by virtue of their having been in employ of the General Conference during the whole or part of the year:- MMM 413.39

S. H. Lane, O. C. Godmark, D. T. Boudreau, E. W. Farnsworth, D. E. Lindsay, F. E. Belden, A. R. Henry, R. M. Kilgore, J. F. Hanson, C. W. Olds, Uriah Smith. MMM 413.40

Committees were appointed as follows:- MMM 413.41

On Nominations-J. B. Goodrich, J. Fargo, Dan. T. Jones. MMM 413.42

On Resolutions-R. A. Underwood, A. T. Robinson, L. R. Conradi, E. J. Waggoner, E. H. Gates. MMM 413.43

On Licenses and Credentials-R. M. Kilgore, I. D. Van Horn, H. Nicola MMM 413.44

On Distribution of Labor-E. W. Farnsworth, A. J. Breed Lewis Johnston G. G. Rupert, C. H. Jones., together with the General Conference Committee. MMM 413.45

On Auditing-A. R. Henry, C. Eldridge, J. W, Raymond, J. Fargo, H. W. Miller, A. T. Robinson. MMM 413.46

On Finance-C. H. Jones, Harmon Lindsay A. B. Henry, C. Eldridge, A. T. Jones and the presidents of the various State Conference. MMM 413.47

As yet none of the committees have reported and the time of the Conference has been devoted to reports from the mission fields. MMM 413.48

Two new Conferences, Arkannas and Australia, were admitted into the General Conference, the former having ten churches, and the latter six. MMM 413.49

One meeting of the International Sabbath-school Association has been held, and committees were appointed as follows:- MMM 413.50

On Nominations-R. M. Kilgore, A. T. Robinson, A. J. Breed. MMM 413.51

On Resolutions-E. J. Waggoner, C. C. Lewis, M. C. Wilcox, M. B. Miller, W. W. Sharp. MMM 413.52

On Auditing-F. E. Belden, M. H. Brown, A. D. Olsen. MMM 413.53

The committees are all at work, and by the next report much business will doubtless have been accomplished. MMM 413.54

Much praise is due he members of the Minneapolis church, and especially those connected with the mission, for the abundant hospitality which they have provided for the delegates and visitors. Every body has been made comfortable and the efforts of the Minneapolis brethren and sisters are highly appreciated. w. MMM 413.55

Minneapolis, Minn., October 22, 1888. MMM 413.56

[End of Selection.] MMM 413.57