Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



eleventh day’s proceedings (continued)

Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1888, Conference was again called at 5:30 p. m. Prayer by S. H. Lane. Minutes approved. On account of the nearness of the hour for the regular evening service, it was- MMM 408.1

Voted, To suspend the rules in reference to the regular order of business, and consider matters of a more general nature. MMM 408.2

E. J. Waggoner then introduced the following business:- MMM 408.3

In behalf of the California delegation, I present the following resolutions, which were adopted at the late session of the California Conference:- MMM 408.4

Whereas, In the Blair amendment to the national Constitution, and the accompanying national Sunday-bill, there are now pending the very things for which we have so long looked, as that which will surely make the image of the papacy against whose work the third angel’s message pronounces its solemn warning; therefore,- MMM 408.5

Resolved, That these things should arouse every Seventh-day Adventist, and that they shall arouse us to such earnestness as never before even such diligence and earnestness as the fearful importance of the third angel’s message demands. MMM 408.6

Mr. H. L. Adams, an attorney who had carefully examined the Blair Sunday-bill, now before the Congressional Committee, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the Conference. MMM 408.7

Be it resolved, That this Conference call the attention of the National Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists to the urgent necessity of sending a delegation to appear before the United States Senatorial Committee on Education and Labor, to use all reasonable efforts to secure the defeat of the following senate bills; namely:- MMM 408.8

A resolution dated May 25, 1888, and entitled, “A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, respecting establishments of religion and free public schools;” and further,- MMM 408.9

A resolution dated May 21, 1888, and entitled “A bill to secure to the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly known as the Lord’s day, as a day of rest, and to promote its observance as a day of religious worship.” MMM 408.10

On the grounds that the said bills are opposed to the common interests of humanity, and the freedom of religious worship intended to be guaranteed to the citizens of this great republic by its founders and defenders, and that the adoption of said bills would mark a broad and distinct advancement toward the union of church and state. MMM 408.11

And be it further resolved, That the California Conference ask the appointment on said delegation of Eld. A. T. Jones, as one whose diligent study of this question has made him fully competent to perform such work. MMM 408.12

In view of this, I offer the following resolution:- MMM 408.13

Resolved, That this Conference appoint a delegation of three, of which Eld. A. T. Jones shall be one, to appear before the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, at the next session of Congress, and in the interests of religious liberty, to use every reasonable effort to secure the defeat of the Blair bill. MMM 408.14

The resolution was adopted, and the appointment of the two remaining members of the delegation called for in the resolution, was left to the General Conference Committee. MMM 408.15

The question as to who should take the offices made vacant by the removal of D. H. Oberholtzer from Indiana to Pennsylvania, was left with the Committee on Distribution of Labor. MMM 408.16

The Committee on Resolutions submitted the following additional report:- MMM 408.17

Whereas, We believe that the work of the third angel’s message should ever be progressive, reaching out to and filling unoccupied fields; therefore,- MMM 408.18

11. Resolved, That we heartily approve the action of the Pacific Press Publishing Co., in establishing a branch office in New York, and also the proposal of the Review and Herald Office to establish branch offices in Chicago, Toronto, and other points. MMM 408.19

Whereas, Books and tracts published in America do not meet with the favor in England and English colonies that the same publications would if they were published in England, besides being more expensive; and,- MMM 408.20

Whereas, The English Mission is not prepared to assume the burden of general publishing; therefore,- MMM 408.21

12. Resolved, That we recommend the immediate establishment by the Review and Herald Office of a branch office in London, in order to relieve the English Mission of the burden of publishing books and tracts, and to facilitate their general circulation. MMM 408.22

Whereas, Hamburg is the most important seaport on the continent of Europe, the chief commercial city of the German Empire, and one of the principal ports of emigration; therefore;- MMM 408.23

13. Resolved, That it is the sense of this Conference that a ship and city mission should be established there as soon as possible. MMM 408.24

14. Resolved, That we express our gratitude to God for the success of the canvassing work during the past year; and to the end that the work may be made yet more effective; further,- MMM 408.25

15. Resolved, That we recommend that the State agents organize their canvassers into companies whenever it is practicable to do so, and appoint suitable persons as leaders. MMM 408.26

Whereas, Those who engage in canvassing for our religious publications should be such persons as will properly represent the truth; therefore,- MMM 408.27

16. Resolved, That no person shall be appointed to sell our religious subscription books who is not properly recommended to the State agent or known by him to be a suitable person. MMM 408.28

Whereas, The principles of health and temperance reform are an important and essential part of the third angel’s message; and,- MMM 408.29

Whereas, The Health and Temperance Association is engaged in active efforts to promulgate these principles; therefore,- MMM 408.30

17. Resolved, That we hereby urge upon all our people the duty of becoming intelligent upon these subjects, by the careful reading of the “Testimonies” and other literature, and of putting into practice the principles taught; and,- MMM 408.31

18. Resolved, That we encourage the organization of health and temperance societies, and urge our people to join them and to co-operate with the efforts made to advance this branch of present truth. MMM 408.32

Whereas, Our much esteemed brother, Eld. Geo. I. Butler, who has occupied the position of President of the Genera! Conference for many years, and borne other heavy burdens in connection with the cause, now feels compelled, on account of failing health, to lay off these heavy responsibilities; therefore,- MMM 408.33

19. Resolved, That we express our appreciation of his faithful labors in the past, and our heartfelt sympathy with him in his present affliction, and hope and pray that he may be raised up to his former health, and be spared to the cause which needs his counsel, gained by valuable experience. MMM 408.34

Whereas, A daily Bulletin of the proceedings of the General Conference is now felt by the delegates to be a necessity; and,- MMM 408.35

Whereas, There are thousands of our people who cannot attend General Conference, who anxiously desire to know what is done from day to day, and who desire more full accounts than a secretary’s report of the business transactions; therefore,- MMM 408.36

20. Resolved, That it is the sense of this body that the General Conference Daily Bulletin should be published at every session of the Conference; that it should be of a size sufficient to admit the insertion not only of a full account of all the business meetings, but also of an outline of the principal sermons preached and the general instruction given; and that early in each year, the General Conference Committee choose an editor, and make all other necessary arrangements for the Bulletin, so that the price may be published, and a subscription list be secured in advance. MMM 408.37

On motion to adopt, Nos. 15 and 16 were referred to the International Tract Society, and the remainder were adopted. No. 19, after adoption by the dele gates, was unanimously indorsed by a rising vote of the whole congregation. MMM 408.38

The following resolution was added by A. T. Jones, and adopted:- MMM 408.39

21. Resolved, That the General Conference express its appreciation of the generous act of Bro. N. F. Burgess, of Honolulu, in providing the missionary ship for Eld. Cudney to go to the islands of the Pacific; and we pray the blessing of God upon him and his, and upon the ship and her crew, and that she may have a prosperous voyage throughout. MMM 408.40

The report of the Treasurer of the General Conference Association, which was referred back to him, was again presented, and adopted, that portion which referred to resources and liabilities being withdrawn for further consultation with the General Conference Committee. MMM 408.41

Adjourned to meet in the vestry at 7:15. MMM 408.42

7:15 p. m. Met as per adjournment. Prayer by R. A. Underwood. It was moved and carried that the time of final adjournment be fixed at noon, Sunday, Nov. 4. Minutes read and approved. MMM 408.43

The regular business of the Conference was resumed. The pending question being on the adoption of the amendment substituting the name of Geo. I. Butler for that of W. W. Prescott, as a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference, the vote was taken by yeas and nays, and was carried by a vote of 40 to 39. This was afterward made unanimous. It was then- MMM 408.44

Moved, To reconsider the election of E. M. Morrison, on the Book Committee. This was carried, and E. J. Waggoner was elected in his place. MMM 408.45

A series of resolutions was introduced by E. W. Farnsworth, which being waived till the following meeting. will be found, numbered in their order, in the record of that meeting. MMM 408.46

The election of U. Smith as secretary of the Conference was then reconsidered, and Dan T. Jones was elected to the place, and to act also as private secretary to the President of the Conference. MMM 408.47

The election of W. H. Edwards as a member of the General Conference Association Board was also reconsidered, and J. Fargo was then chosen to the place. MMM 408.48

The following resolution was introduced by R. A. Underwood:- MMM 408.49

Whereas, The expenses attending this Conference have been unusually heavy upon the Minnesota Conference; therefore,- MMM 408.50

26. Resolved, That we recommend that each Conference be invited to help bear this burden, by paying the expense of its delegates while here. MMM 408.51

This was amended to read, “that each Conference donate what it shall feel disposed to, toward the Minnesota school, at Minneapolis, Minn.,” and was then adopted. MMM 408.52

Adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 408.53

twelfth day’s proceedings

Thursday, Nov. 1, 1888, 10:30, a. m. Prayer by J. G. Matteson. Minutes approved. MMM 408.54

The resolutions waived at the preceding meeting were called up and referred to a committee consisting of H. W. Miller. Geo. B. Starr, E. W. Farnsworth, S. H. Lane, F. E. Belden, who subsequently reported as follows:- MMM 408.55

22. Resolved, That we indorse resolutions one to nine, inclusive, adopted at the last session of the General Conference, relative to city-mission work, recorded on pages 43 and 44 of the Year Book; offering the following amendment to resolution five, that the clause now reading, “and that they shall pass a satisfactory examination before an examining board of three,” be made to read: “and that they shall pass a satisfactory examination before an examining board of three, or on blanks furnished by them.” MMM 408.56

23. Resolved, That we urge upon all our Conferences the necessity of raising a city-mission fund sufficient for the education of workers, and for carrying forward mission work, as recommended in the foregoing resolutions. MMM 408.57

24. Resolved, That we indorse the action of the Illinois Conference in the erection of the new building in Chicago, suitable for a central training-school for city and foreign missionaries, in harmony with the advice of the General Conference Committee. MMM 408.58

25. Resolved, That we recommend the States adjacent to Illinois, that here not already been advised by the General Conference to establish general training-schools, to give their encouragement and support to the Chicago Mission Training-school, by sending suitable persons there to be educated for labor in different fields. MMM 408.59

L R Conradi reported as follows, for the commitee tee on the education of persons of foreign nationalities for the missionary work:- MMM 408.60

Your committee appointed to consider the educating of persons of foreign nationalities for missionary work, find a great need in this direction, and would recommend the following:- MMM 408.61

Whereas, The laborers for the Old Country, where the work is but just begun, are principally supplied from the United States; and,- MMM 408.62

Whereas, Laborers raised up in Europe are often obliged to leave their native land on account of the military service; and,- MMM 408.63

Whereas, Many fields in America have never been entered, and we are doing but little for the multitudes that are continually streaming into our country; and,- MMM 408.64

Whereas, The lack of missionary instruction in foreign languages has caused many of the young people of different nationalities in this country to be educated in the American mission for work among the Americans, whereby much talent is lost to the foreign work; therefore,- MMM 408.65

1. Resolved, That institutes for the instruction of labores in the foreign languages, be held from year to year in this country, those for the coming year to be located as follows:- MMM 408.66

One for the Scandinavians, in Chicago; one for the Germans, in Milwaukee; also that a French department be connected with the American mission in St. Louis, as soon as suitable help can be secured. MMM 408.67

2. Resolved, That these institutes shall be under the supervision of the General Conference Committee, and that the direct management of each should be in the hands of a committee of five, of whom the president of the Conference in which the institute is held, and the principal teacher, sent by the General Conference Committee, shall be members. MMM 408.68

3. Resolved, That all persons applying for admission shall be recommended by their respective Conference committees. MMM 408.69

4. Resolved, That the following branches shall be taught: the Bible, missionary work in general, canvassing, reading, grammar, and book-keeping. MMM 408.70

5. Resolved, That the students pay for their board and lodging, and be permitted to have the profits from their canvassing; and,- MMM 408.71

6. We further recommend, That similar institutes be held in the different missions of Europe. MMM 408.72

7. We recommend, That whenever it is deemed necessary by the Mission Board and the General Conference Committee, to establish permanent schools in such places as Christians, London, and Basel, appropriations be made by the Committee, from the mission funds, as may be necessary, to assist in securing rooms for these schools, and teachers for those departments organized especially to educate and train laborers for the various branches of mission work. MMM 408.73

Whereas, There are in all parts of our country families and individuals, capable of doing missionary work for those speaking foreign languages, but who, on account of their isolation from others of their tongue, are doing little or nothing; therefore,- MMM 409.1

8. Resolved, That we recommend that an earnest effort be made by our ministers, Conference officers, and tract society officers, to search out all such, and put them in communication with the Corresponding Secretary of the International Tract Society, who shall, through her assistants and members of her class of foreign secretaries, encourage them to engage in some branch of missionary work. MMM 409.2

The first resolution of the foregoing report was adopted, and the Conference adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 409.3

Met again at 2:30 p. m. Prayer by J. Fargo. Minutes approved. MMM 409.4

The remainder of the report under consideration was adopted. MMM 409.5

The Committee on Distribution of Labor reported further, recommending as follows:- MMM 409.6

46. That D. T. Jones, of Missouri, go to Battle Creek, to assist the acting President of the General Conference in his correspondence and in his labors in the interest of the cause at large. MMM 409.7

47. That E. A. Merrill, of Minnesota, go to Illinois to labor in that Conference. MMM 409.8

48. That C. H. Bliss, of Illinois, make Minnesota his field of labor. MMM 409.9

49. That M. H. Gregory, of Minnesota, go to Kansas to labor. MMM 409.10

50. That J. O. Beard, of Iowa, go to the Upper Columbia Conference, and make that his field of labor. MMM 409.11

51. That in view of R. S. Donnell’s health, he remain in Missouri, and Wm. Covert, of Indiana, take his place in Tennessee and Kentucky. MMM 409.12

52. That H. W. Miller, of Michigan, take the place made vacant by Bro. Covert In Indiana. MMM 409.13

53. That Ella A. Carman, Hattie Annes, and H. May Stanton work in the Indianapolis city mission. MMM 409.14

The recommendations were adopted. MMM 409.15

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses made the following report:- MMM 409.16

Your Committee on Credentials and Licenses would report the following names, and recommend that they receive credentials: Geo. I. Butler, S. N. Haskell, O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, U. Smith, Mrs. E. G. White, D. T. Bourdeau, A. A. John, J. G. Matteson, E. W. Whitney, E. G. Olsen, J. H. Durland, L. R. Conradi, S. H. Lane, D. A. Robinson, C. L. Boyd, E. W. Farnsworth, H. Shultz, W. H. Saxby, J. F. Hansen, A. G. Daniells, J. C. Laubhan, H. P. Holser, Ira J. Hankins, D. E. Lindsey, N. Orcutt, Oscar Hill, A. J. Cudney, J. W. Bagby, M. G. Huffman, B. F. Purdham, J. S. Shrock, M. B. Miller, S. H. Kime, J. M. Erikson. MMM 409.17

We would also recommend that the following persons receive license: C. Eldrige, W. Baird, N. B. England, A. La Rue, L. H. Crisler, J. I. Tay, Mrs. Ruie Hill, Arthur Hunt. MMM 409.18

R. M. Kilgore
I. D. Van Horn
H. Nicola, Committee.

The Committee on Resolutions presented the following, which was adopted:- MMM 409.19

Whereas, The experience of the past year has demonstrated that our publications can successfully be sold in the Central European field; and,- MMM 409.20

Whereas, We find that the present subscription price for our French and German periodicals is above the reach of many of the common people In Central Europe; and,- MMM 409.21

Whereas, The circulation depends greatly on the tract societies; therefore,- MMM 409.22

37. Resolved, That these papers be only 8-page semimonthlles, and the price be lowered accordingly, thus securing a larger circulation, and giving more time for the preparation of books and tracts. MMM 409.23

W. C White introduced the cases of Bro. Robb, and a Polander who has embraced the truth in Ohio, who understands the Russian, German, Polish, and Bohemian languages, and is anxious to do something for his countrymen. Remarks were made by E. W. Farnsworth and R. A. Underwood. Mrs. E. G. White spoke at some length on the subject of securing such aid to the cause when it becomes available. D. T. Bourdeau, L. R. Conradi, and W. C. White also made stirring remarks. MMM 409.24

Moved, That a committee of five be appointed to make some recommendations on this subject.-Carried. MMM 409.25

This committee was subsequently announced as follows: L. R. Conradi, T. H. Gibbs, Geo. B. Starr, Lewis Johnson, D. T. Jones. MMM 409.26

L. C. Chadwick offered the following:- MMM 409.27

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three, to whom all money donated by the delegates or visitors, to the Minnesota Conference School, shall be paid, to be presented by said committee to the Minnesota Conference Committee. MMM 409.28

This resolution was adopted, and the committee announced as follows: S. H. Lane, M. B. Miller, E. H. Gates. MMM 409.29

The following was introduced by F. E. Belden:- MMM 409.30

Whereas, We believe that the seeds of present truth must be sown beside all waters; and,- MMM 409.31

Whereas, The canvassing work is one of the best means by which this may be accomplished; therefore,- MMM 409.32

Resolved, That we recommend our ministers everywhere to encourage suitable persons to devote their lives to this branch of the Lord’s work; and further,- MMM 409.33

Resolved, That we recommend, as far as reasonable, a practical experience in the canvassing field before persons are encouraged to enter the Bible, work or the ministry. MMM 409.34

This was under discussion, and a motion pending to refer the last resolution to the Committee on Resolutions, when the Conference adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 409.35

thirteenth day’s proceedings

Friday, Nov. 2. 1888, 10:30 a. m. Prayer by W. C. White. Minutes approved. MMM 409.36

The pending motion to refer the last of the foregoing resolutions to the Committee on Resolutions was withdrawn. The question then recurring on the adoption of the resolutions, after considerable discussion, the last resolution was amended so as to read, “That we recommend, as far as reasonable,” etc.; and, as amended, the report was adopted. MMM 409.37

The following resolution was offered by the Committee on Resolutions:- MMM 409.38

Whereas, The prosperity of our foreign missions depends very largely upon the perfect understanding which our people have of their workings, as well as of the understanding which the missionaries have of the plans that are devised for them; therefore,- MMM 409.39

28. Resolved, That we deem it an actual necessity that some member of the General Conference Board visit all the missions at least as often as once in two years; and further,- MMM 409.40

29. Resolved, That we request Eld. Geo. I. Butler to visit the missions the coming year, if it is agreeable to his wishes, and his health will permit; and that if for any reason Eld. Butler cannot go, another member of the Committee be chosen. MMM 409.41

Moved, by E. W. Farnsworth, to amend Art. 2 of the Constitution by adding the words, “and a general canvassing agent,” after the words “educational secretary.” MMM 409.42

A substitute was proposed as follows: “That the General Conference Committee and the president and secretary of the International Tract and Missionary Society appoint a general convassing agent. MMM 409.43

The substitute was adopted. MMM 409.44

The Committee on Distribution of Labor reported the following additional recommendations:- MMM 409.45

54. That W. C. Wales and wife, of Michigan, go to Indiana, to labor principally in the Indianapolis mission. MMM 409.46

55. That Gilbert Wilson, of Michigan, labor in the West Virginia Conference. MMM 409.47

56. That Bernard Robb, of Victoria, attend Battle Creek College, to fit himself to labor among the people of Holland. MMM 409.48

57. That John Gibbs, of Kansas, labor in Arkansas the coming year, if it meets his approval. MMM 409.49

58. That J. M. Rees occupy the place made vacant on the Indiana Conference Committee by the removal of D. H. Oberholtzer. MMM 409.50

59. That Lewis Johnson, of Illinois, go to Scandinavia to take the place of Eld. O. A. Olsen. MMM 409.51

60. That H. R. Johnson occupy the place on the Wisconsin Conference Committee made vacant by the removal of W. S. Hyatt. MMM 409.52

61. That Alex, Paton occupy the place on the Wisconsin Conference Committee made vacant by the removal of B. M. Shull. MMM 409.53

62. That Robert Vickery occupy the place on the Illinois Conference Committee made vacant by the removal of Lewis Johnson. MMM 409.54

63. That C. W. Olds labor in Wisconsin. MMM 409.55

64. That J. J. Graff occupy the place on the Minnesota Conference Committee made vacant by the removal of Eld. Lewis Johnson. MMM 409.56

65. That the recommendation for Ben Hensley to canvass in Louisiana be rescinded on account of his health. MMM 409.57

66. That Paul E. Gros labor at present among the French in Wisconsin. MMM 409.58

67. That Prof. W. H. McKee give histime to the work of reporting at our general meetings, and the education of other reporters, in connection with our educational institutions, and elsewhere. MMM 409.59

These were adopted, and the Conference adjourned to 2 p. m. MMM 409.60

Met as per adjournment at 2 p. m. Prayer by R. M. Kilgore. Minutes approved. MMM 409.61

The recommendation of the Committee on Distribution of Labor, that R. A. Hart return to Norway, was changed so as to read, that he “return to Norway to assist in the management of the Scandinavian Publishing House, his duties to be defined by the General Conference Committee.” MMM 409.62

The Committee on Distribution of Labor added the following recommendations:- MMM 409.63

68. That John P. Zirkle take the place made vacant on the Virginia Conference Committee by the removal of M. G, Huffman. MMM 409.64

69. That I. D. Van Horn take the place of H. W. Miller as president of the Michigan Tract and Missionary Society. MMM 409.65

70. That Wm. Ostrander take the place made vacant on the Michigan Conference Committee by the removal of H. W. Miller. MMM 409.66

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses further reported, recommending that R. M. Kilgore, Geo. B. Starr, Lewis Johnson, J. E. Robinson, and I.E. Kimball, receive credentials; that L. H. Crisler be ordained and receive credentials; that D. C. Babcock, Geo. R. Drew, W. W. Prescott, and Albert Smith, receive license. MMM 409.67

The report was adopted. MMM 409.68

The committee to offer suggestions respecting raising funds for the development of laborers for different foreign fields, reported as follows:- MMM 409.69

Your committee appointed to consider the matter of raising funds for the education of persons of foreign tongues, would respectfully submit the following report;- MMM 409.70

Whereas, There is a great need for native workers in the various languages, who can be depended upon to translate correctly, and carry forward properly the work in their own tongue; and,- MMM 409.71

Whereas, The evidences are multiplying that God is raising up such persons, who with proper training could supply these wants; and,- MMM 409.72

Whereas, Means expended in these directions in the past have brought most gratifying results; and,- MMM 409.73

Whereas, At the present time, but limited provision is made among us for the assistance and education of such persons; therefore,- MMM 409.74

Resolved, That our people raise a liberal fund for this purpose, and that a committee of five be appointed annually by the General Conference Committee to take charge of the raising and disbursement of the same. MMM 409.75

L. R. Conradi, for Committee.

The report was adopted. MMM 409.76

The following preamble and resolution was offered by R. A. Underwood:- MMM 409.77

Whereas, At present we find that confusion exists concerning the channel through which the first-day offerings are to pass; therefore,- MMM 409.78

Resolved, That we hereby repeal the recommendation of last year for the first-day offerings to go through the hands of the librarian and tract society officers, and recommend that, in harmony with the advice of the President of the General Conference, and the plan already adopted by many, the first-day offerings be collected by our church treasurers, to be sent direct to the State Conference treasurer, in a separate account, with their tithes. MMM 409.79

This was referred to a special committee, said committee to consist of the finance committee in connection with such presidents and secretaries of State Conferences and tract and missionary societies, as were present. MMM 409.80

Adjourned to call of Chair. MMM 409.81

fourteenth day’s proceedings

Sunday, Nov. 4, 1888, 9 a. m. Prayer by A. T. Robinson. Minutes approved. MMM 409.82

The Committee on Finance, in connection with State Conference presidents, etc., to whom, was referred the resolution last mentioned in proceedings of previous meeting, reported thereupon as follows:- MMM 409.83

We, your Committee on Finance, etc., beg leave to report on the resolution referred to us, respecting the channel through which the first-day offerings be collected, as follows: That we sustain the report of the tract society committee on resolutions. And we would further report that the resolution to revise the blanks in the members’ pass-books be amended so as to read, “as soon as possible,” instead of “at this meeting.” MMM 409.84

The report was adopted. MMM 409.85

Eld. Butler having telegraphed his resignation as member of the Executive Committee of the General Conference, to which office he had been elected in the meeting of Oct, 31, a motion was made to accept; but as many of the delegated had left, the Conference did not deem it best to pass it, but laid it upon the table. MMM 409.86

The following committee was appointed to make suggestions at the next General Conference, respecting a better organization of the Foreign Mission Board: S. N. Haskell, E W. Farnsworth, A. T. Robinson, R. M. Kilgore, A. T. Jones, W. C. White, S. H. Lane. MMM 409.87

Moved, That we extend to the church in Minneapolis a vote of thanks for their generous entertainment of the delegates of this Conference.-Carried. MMM 409.88

The committee to devise a plan for a wider range of Bible study, submitted the following report:- MMM 409.89

Your committee appointed to devise a plan for a wider range of Bible study, would respectfully submit the following:- MMM 409.90

Whereas, In view of the light given us by the Spirit of God, calling on us to lay plans for a more thorough investigation of the Scriptures, and to give such instruction as will qualify our laborers to do more efficient work in every department of the cause; therefore,- MMM 409.91

We recommend, That each State Conference hold an institute, or normal school, at least once a year, for a more thorough study of the truths of the third angel’s message, and to give instruction in church, tract society, Sabbath-school, health and temperance, and canvassing work; to be conducted under the management of the Conference Committee. MMM 410.1

We recommend, That the General Conference hold similar institutes, at such times and places as the General Conference Committee may decide. MMM 410.2

We recommend, That persons holding views different from those commonly taught by us as a denomination, present them to the Conference Committee of their respective States; and if thought, proper, the Conference Committee present them to the State Institute; and if considered of sufficient importance by the State Institute, it shall recommend them for consideration at the General Conference Institute, a report of all such cases to be sent at the close of the State Institute to the General Conference Committee. MMM 410.3

Geo. B. Starr, for Committee.

Moved, That the next annual session of the General Conference be held in Battle Creek, Mich. This was amended so as to read that the matter be left in the hands of the General Conference Committee, and as amended, was carried. MMM 410.4

Moved, That this Conference appoint a committee of five to act as our agents in the matter of railroad and steam boat transportation, to represent us as a people before these companies, and negotiate with them in reference to such courtesies as they may be disposed to grant. This was carried, and A. R. Henry, W. C. Gage, C. H. Jones, A. T. Robinson, and T. A. Kilgore, were appointed as said committee. It was then- MMM 410.5

Moved, That this Conference adjourn to meet in Battle Creek at such time during the present week as may be designated by the Chair. MMM 410.6

The motion was carried, and the Conference adjourned. MMM 410.7

S. N. Haskell, Chairman.
U. Smith, Sec.
(Concluded next week.)