Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Thursday, Nov. 1. 1888. MMM 397.1

The General Conference convened in its fourteenth meeting at 10:30 a. m. MMM 397.2

Rrayer by Elder J. G. Matteson. MMM 397.3

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMM 397.4

The resolutions presented in the last meeting were read, and after motion to adopt and thorough discussion of the same. were referred to a committee of five, as follows: H. W. Miller, G. B. Starr, E. W. Farnsworth, S. H. Lane, and F. E. Belden. MMM 397.5

The following report was then presented: MMM 397.6

Your committee appointed to consider the educating of persons of foreign nationalities for missionary work, find a great need in this direction, and would recommend the following: MMM 397.7

Whereas, The laborers for the old country, where the work is but just begun, are principally supplied from the United States, and MMM 397.8

Whereas, Laborers raised up in Europe are often obliged to leave their native land on account of the military service, and, MMM 397.9

Whereas, Many fields in America have never been entered, and we are doing but little for the multitudes that are continually streaming into our country, and, MMM 397.10

Whereas, Mission schools held on either side of the ocean have proved the usefulness of such training; and, MMM 397.11

Whereas, The lack of missionary instruction in foreign languages has caused many of the young people of different nationalities in this country to be educated in the American Mission for work among the Americans, whereby much talent is lost to the foreign work, therefore, MMM 397.12

Resolved, That all persons applying for positions shall be recommended by their respective conference committees. MMM 397.13

Resolved, That the following branches shall be taught: MMM 397.14

The Bible, Missionary work in general, canvassing, reading, grammar and book keeping. MMM 397.15

3. Resolved, That institutes for the instruction of laborers in the foreign languages be held from year to year in this country, those for the coming year to be located as follows: MMM 397.16

One for the Scandinavians in Chicago; one for the Germans in Milwaukee; also that a French department be connected with the American Mission in St. Louis, as soon as suitable help can be secured. MMM 397.17

Resolved, That these institutes shall be under the supervision of the General Conference Committee, and that the direct management of each should be in the in hands of a committee of five of whom the president of the conference in which the institute is held, and the principal teacher, sent by the General Conference Committee shall be members. MMM 397.18

4. Resolved, That the students pay for their board and lodging and be permitted to have the profits from their canvassing, and MMM 397.19

We further recommend that similar schools be head in different missions of Europe. MMM 397.20

6. We recommend that whenever it is deemed necessary by the Mission Board and the General Conference Committee to establish permanent schools in such places as Christiana, London, and Basel, that appropriations be made by the committee from the mission funds as may be necessary to assist in securing rooms for these schools, and teachers for those departments organized, especially to educate and train laborers for the various branches of mission work. MMM 397.21

Whereas. There are in all parts of our country families and individuals capable of doing missionary work for those speaking foreign languages, bat who on accoun of their isolation from others of their tongue are doing little or nothing, therefore, MMM 397.22

7. Resolved, That we recommend that an earnest effort be made by our ministers, conference officers, and Tract Society officers, to search out all such and put them in communication with the corresponding secretary of the International tract society, who shall, through her assistants and members of her class of foreign secretaries, encourage them to engage in some branch of missionary work MMM 397.23

L. R. Conradi, For Committee. MMM 397.24

Remarks were made by L. R. Conradi, E. W. Farnsworth. T. H. Gibbs, Capt. Eldridge, A. J. Breed, J. G. Matteson, and D. T. Bordeau on resolutions 1 and 2, which were adopted. MMM 397.25

On motion the meeting adjourned. MMM 397.26