Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The second meeting of Oct. 31 was called at 5:30 p. m. MMM 395.1

Eld. S. H. Lane led in prayer. MMM 395.2

The minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved. MMM 395.3

On motion the regular rules were suspended, and other important business was brought before the Conference. MMM 395.4

E. J. Waggoner presented the following resolution. MMM 395.5

In behalf of the California delegation, I will present the following resolutions, which were adopted at the late session of the California conference: MMM 395.6

Whereas, We have for many years been looking for an amendmens to the national constitution to open the way for national religious legislation; and, MMM 395.7

Whereas, In the Blair amendment to the national constitution, and the accompanying national Sunday bill, there are now pending the very things for which we have so long looked, as that which will surely make the image of the Papacy, against whose work the third angel’s message pronounces its solemn warning; therefore, MMM 395.8

Resolved, That these things should arouse every Seventh-day Adventist, and they should arouse us to such earnestness as never before-even such diligence and earnestness as the fearful importance of the third angel’s message demands. MMM 395.9

Mr. H. L. Adams, an attorney, who had carefully examined the Blair Sunday Bill, now before the congressional committee, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the Conference: MMM 395.10

Be it Resolved, That this conference call the attention of the national conference of the Seventh-day Adventists to the urgent necessity of sending a delegation to appear before the United States senatorial committee on education and labor, to use all reasonable efforts to secure the defeat of the following senate bills-namely: MMM 395.11

A resolution dated May 25, 1888, and entitled, “A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States, respecting establishment of religion and free publis schools,” and farther, MMM 395.12

A resolution dated May 21. 1888, and entitled, “A bill to secure to the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly known as the Lord’s day, as a day of rest, and to promote its observance as a day of religious worship;” MMM 395.13

On the grounds that the said bills are opposed to the common interests of humanity, and the freedom of religious worship intended to be guaranteed to the citizens of this great republic by its founders and defenders, and that the adoption of said bills would mark a broad and distinct advancement toward the union of church and state. MMM 395.14

And be it further Resolved, That the California conference asks the appointment on said delegation of Elder A. T. Jones as one whose dilligent study of this question has made him fully competent to perform such work. MMM 395.15

In view of this I offer the following resolution: MMM 395.16

Resolved, That this conference appoint a delegation of three, of which Elder A. T. Jones shall be one, to appear before the senate committee on education and labor, at the next session of congress, and in the interests of religious liberty, to use every reasonable effort to secure the defeat of the Blair bill. MMM 395.17

The motion to adopt was carried with a unanimous vote. MMM 395.18

On motion the committee called for by the foregoing resolutions was referred to the General Conference committee. MMM 395.19

The committee on resolutions made the following partial report: MMM 395.20

Whereas, We believe that the work of the third angel’s message should ever be progressive, reaching out and filling unoccupied fields; therefore, MMM 395.21

11. Resolved, That we heartily approve the action of the Pacific Press Publishing Co. in establishing a branch office in New York, and also the proposal of the Review and Herald office to establish branch offices in Chicago, Toronto, and other points. MMM 395.22

Whereas, Books and tracts published in America do not meet with the favor In England and English colonies that the same publications would If they were published in England, besides being more expensive, and MMM 395.23

Whereas, The English Mission is not prepared to assume the burden of general publishing, therefore. MMM 395.24

12. Resolved, That we recommend the immediate establishment by the Review and Herald office of a branch office in London, in order to relieve the English Mission of the burden of publishing books and tracts, and to facilitate their general circulation. MMM 395.25

Whereas, Hamburg is the most important sea-port on the continent of Europe, the chief commercial city of the German Empire, and one of the principal ports of immigration; therefore, MMM 395.26

Resolved, That it is the sense of this conference that a ship and city mission should be established there as soon as possible. MMM 395.27

Resolved, That we express our gratitude to God for the success of the canvassing work during the past year; and to the end that the work may be made yet more effective, further, MMM 395.28

15. Resolved, That we recommend that the state agents organize their canvassers into companies whenever it is practicable to do so, and appoint suitable person as leaders. MMM 396.1

Whereas, Those who engage in canvassing for our religious publications should be such persons as will properly represent the truth, therefore, MMM 396.2

16. Resolved, That no person shall be appointed to sell our religious subscription books who is not properly recommend to the state agents, or known by him to be a suitable person. MMM 396.3

Whereas, The principles of health and temperance reform are an important and essential part of the Third Angel’s message, and, MMM 396.4

Whereas, The health and temperance association is engaged in active efforts to promulgate these principles; therefore, MMM 396.5

17. Resolved, That we hereby urge upon all our people the duty of becoming intelligent upon these subjects by the careful reading of the testimonies and other literature, and of putting into practice the principles taught, and, MMM 396.6

18. Resolved, That we encourage the organization of health and temperance societies and urge all our people to join them, and to co-operate with the efforts made to advance this branch of present ruth. MMM 396.7

Whereas, Our much esteemed brother, Eld. Geo. I. Butler, who has occupied the position of president of the General Conference for many years and borne other heavy burdens in connection with the cause, now feels compelled, on account of failing health, to lay off these heavy responsibilities; therefore, MMM 396.8

19. Resolved, That we express, our appreciation of his faithful labors in the past, and our heart-felt sympathy with him in his present affliction, and hope and pray that he may be raised to his former health, and spared to the cause which needs the counsel gained by his valuable experience. MMM 396.9

Whereas, A daily Bulletin of the proceedings of the General Conference is now felt by the delegates do be a necessity; and MMM 396.10

Whereas, There are thousands of our people who cannot attend General Conference, who anxiously desire to know what is being done from day to day, and who desire more full accounts than a secretary’s report of the business transactions; therefore, MMM 396.11

20. Resolved, That it is the sense of this body that the General Conference Daily Bulletin should be published at every session of the conference; that it should be of a size sufficient to admit the insertion not only of a full account of all the business meetings, but also of an outline of the principal sermons preached, and the general instruction given, and that early each year the General Conference Committee choose an editor, and make all other necessary arrangements for the Bulletin so that the price may be published and a subscription list secured in advance. MMM 396.12

Resolutions 14, 15, and 16 were referred to the Tract Society. The remainder of the report was unanimously adopted. MMM 396.13

The whole congregation voted upon the nineteenth resolution, and manifested their approval of it by a rising vote. Bro. Jones presented the following, which was adopted: MMM 396.14

21. Resolved, That the General Conference express its appreciation of the generous act of Bro. N. F. Burgess, of Honolulu, in providing the missionary ship for Eld. Cudney to go to the islands of the Pacific, and we pray the blessing of God upon him and his, and upon the ship and crew, and that He may give her a prosperous journey. MMM 396.15

On motion the report of the conference treasurer as presented was accepted. MMM 396.16

Adjourned to 7:15 p. m. MMM 396.17

The conference convened according to adjournment at 7:15 p. m:, Oct. 31. MMM 396.18

Prayer by Elder R. A. Underwood. MMM 396.19

Minutes of last meeting were read and approveed. MMM 396.20

The chairman hoped that none of the delegates would go away till the business was completed and a united effort made to seek God for a special blessing and suggested that we celebrate the ordnances together before we leave His remarks were reponded to by E. W Farnsworth. MMM 396.21

On motion the time was fixed for the conference to adjourn sine die at Sunday noon, Nov. 3. MMM 396.22

The first general business was that of substituting the name of Geo. I. Butler for that of W. W. Prescott on the General Conference committee, the motion which was pending at the forenoon meeting. MMM 396.23

The substitute was carried by a vote of 40 to 39. It was moved to make it unanimous, which was not unanimously voted, twelve voting in the negative. MMM 396.24

On motion the election of E. M. Morrison on the book committee, was reconsidered, and E. J. Waggoner substituted in his place. MMM 396.25

E. W. Farnsworth presented several resolutions which, after reading, were waved till a future meeting. MMM 396.26

On motion the election of U. Smith as secretary of the General Conference was reconsidered. MMM 396.27

On motion the name of D. T. Jones was substituted for that of U. Smith. MMM 396.28

It was voted that the election of W. H. Edwards as a member of the General Conference Association Board, be reconsidered. MMM 396.29

The name of J. Fargo was substituted by vote for that of W. H. Edwards. MMM 396.30

R. A. Underwood presented the following preamble and resolution: MMM 396.31

Whereas, The expenses attending this conference have been great to the Minnesota conference, therefore, MMM 396.32

Resolved, That we recommend that each conference be invited to help bear this expense by paying the expense of their delegates while here. MMM 396.33

An ammendment was offered leaving it to each conferance to make such donations toward the Minnesota Conferance School at Minneapolis as they may set fit. The ammendment was carried, as was also the original motion as amended. The meeting adjourned to the call of the chair. MMM 396.34

Fourteenth Day’s Proceedings