Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


Oct. 30, 7 p. m. MMM 394.20

The meeting was opened by G. B. Starr, of Chicago. MMM 394.21

After prayer by S. H. Lane, of Michigan, and singing “Pray for Help, Christian,” it was announced that the evening hour would be divided among many, thus getting a variety of experience, and much instruction of a very important nature. MMM 394.22

G. B. Starr led out with a few minutes talk concerning “Jesus and the woman at the well.” Do not despise small opportunities is a motto we should remember daily. MMM 394.23

S. N. Haskell remarked that God gave to every man severally from one to five talents, and it is important that we set our mark high, and then strive in the strength of God to improve the talent we have; the angels will cooperate with us. They will lead us where we can accomplish great good, and when the Master calls for the talent committed to us we can gladly return it to him with usury, and hear the word “Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.” Meditate each day upon the goodness of God. MMM 394.24

A. T. Robinson, from New England, related some interesting experiences in the New England states, showing how, as a result of prayer and experience meetings, the interest of the individual members of the society was largely increased. MMM 394.25

H. W. Miller, of Michigan, expressed a deep interest in the work, and reported an increased interest in his field, and was heartily in favor of the steps taken for more thoroughly interesting and general effort to labor in the missionary branch of the work. MMM 394.26

Elder Covert, of Indiana, remarked that since the canvassers work began the interest in the work of personal missionary effort has slackened, but the present plans meet his mind, and he would do all he could to start the work in his field. MMM 394.27

Sister Druillard, of Nebraska, gave some interesting facts showing how a new interest was developed, and that she was in hearty sympathy with the plans for future work. MMM 394.28

A. J. Breed, of Wisconsin, related some gratifying circumstances from his experience. Showing how distribution of literaturate and correspondence by individual effort, resulted in the conversion of many precious souls. MMM 394.29

T. H. Gibbs, of Louisiana, read a most interesting letter from British Honduras, that was calculated to thrill our hearts with pleasure and incite us to more determined effort. MMM 394.30

Sister M. L. Huntly, secretary of the International Tract Society, remarked that many would gladly work if they knew how, and in her remarks she tried to impress upon our minds the importance of more thoroughly instructing the laity who are among us. It is important that the masses of the people be instructed, that from their ranks may spring many light bearers to others. MMM 394.31

Bro. Henderson related some interesting experiences from his field in Arkansas. MMM 394.32

Others spoke in the same strain, and a resolution was passed asking for another meeting. MMM 394.33

VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., NOV. 2, 1888. NO. 12.

Thirteenth Day’s Proceedings