Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Oct. 31. 2.30 p. m., 1888. MMM 393.1

The meeting opened by singing and prayer, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The unfinished business, which was a discussion of resolution 10; Bulletin 9, was taken up. MMM 393.2

After reading the resolution Eld. Covert asked if this was likely to tend toward breaking up the local societies. If so he would not favor it, but if not so tending he would favor it. Bro. Mitchell thought it had no bad effect in their society, where it had been tried. He thought it would be beneficial to the local societies, and would make the “reports” more nearly correct. Capt. Eldridge said the subject had been under consideration for a year, and he thought it was the best that could be done. W. C. White also favored the resolution, referring to their experience in California, where it had been found satisfactory. After further discussion of the resolution by R. M. Kilgore, Geo. H. Smith, L. C. Chadwick, E. W. Farnsworth, and several others it was adopted. MMM 393.3

Resolutions 11 and 12 were read and carried without discussion. MMM 393.4

Moved by L. C. Chadwick that the secretary of the International Tract Society be reqnested to send a circular letter to each of the state secretaries, giving full explanations of the intent of resolution 10 (Bulletins 9 and 10), and the best methods for carrying the resolution into effect. Carried. MMM 393.5

The committee on resolutions roported three resolutions that had been recommended by the council of state agents, as follows: MMM 393.6

13. Resolved, That no canvasser remove or be removed from any state to work in another, without permission from the state agents of both such states, or from the state secretaries in case there are no state agents. MMM 393.7

14. Resolved, That we are oposed to our publishing houses furnishing books to agents who do hot conform to the rules adopted by this society, whether in territory controlled by the publishing houses, or in the territority of any state society. MMM 393.8

Whereas, The tendency of the trust [credit system] plan is to burden our canvassers and tract societies with debt, therefore, MMM 393.9

15. Resolved, That we recommend the state societies to adhere to the rule adopted at the 1886 session of this society, which reads as follows: “Our Tract Societies shall do a cash business with agents” recommending that acceptable security be given, or the C. O. D. plan adopted where cash cannot be paid in advance.” MMM 393.10

Moved by L. C. Chadwick that the report be accepted, acting on each resolution separately. MMM 393.11

The first resolution was favorably discussed by W. C. White, C. H. Jones, and J. N. Brant, and carried. MMM 393.12

Resolutions 2 and 3 were carried without discussion. MMM 393.13

The committee on nominations reported as follows: MMM 393.14

For President-S. N. Haskell. MMM 393.15

For Vice President-W. C. White. MMM 393.16

Recording Secretary-T. A. Kilgore. MMM 393.17

Corresponding Secretary-M. L. Huntley. MMM 393.18

Treasurer-The Review and Herald. MMM 393.19

Assistant Secretaries-Anna L. Ingels, Oakland Cal.; Mrs. F. H. Sisley, Battle Creek, Mich.; W. A. Spicer, London; H. P. Holser, Basel, Switzerland; Josie L. Baker, Australia; Elizabeth Hare, New Zealand; Mary Helleson, Norway; Mrs. C. L. Boyd, South Africa; and Mrs. Eliza Palmer, So. Lancaster, Mass. MMM 393.20

Executive Board-S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, L. R. Conradi, D. A. Robinson, O. A. Olsen, W. C. Sisley, A. J. Breed, C. Eldridge, and Geo. B. Starr. I. D. Van Horn, MMM 393.21

For the Committee. MMM 393.22

Moved and seconded that the report be accepted by considering each name separately. The names were so considered, and passed without objection until the name of Eld. L. R. Conradi was reached. He objected to his name being used. The objection was not accepted. No further objection was made until after the reading of the report was finished; then W. C. White moved that his name and the name of O. A. Olsen change places, making Eld. Olsen vice president. After some discussion the motion was lost. MMM 393.23

Then the motion to accept the report of the committee was carried. MMM 393.24