Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Oct. 30th, 2:30 p. m. MMM 391.11

The meeting was opened by the usual service, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. MMM 391.12

The unfinished business of the last meeting (see Bulletin Nos. 6 and 9) was brought before the society and elicited remarks from many which resulted in the adoption of the report with the following substitute in place of second paragraph, page 3, Bulletin 6: “As this is not the foreign missionary Society of the denominations, and as confusion often occurs, from our common use of the term “Missionary Society,” we recommend the term “International Tract Society,” as a convenient title for general use, and a pleasant substitute for the abbreviation “T. & M. Society.” MMM 391.13

Much discussion followed the different recommendations and resolutions, and many interesting and important facts were elicited in these remarks. MMM 391.14

A motion to refer resolution 8, Bulletin No. 9, was lost and the report adopted. Resolution 9 concerning “Prophetic Lights” was referred to the committee provided for in resolution 8. MMM 391.15

No. 10 was reported to read as follows: MMM 391.16

Resolved, That the names of canvassers, Bible workers, and all who are employed by the conference and tract societies, be transferred from the register of the local societies and districts, and placed upon a list called the State District; and that they be recommended to obtain their supplies from the state society, and make their contributions and reports to the same. MMM 391.17

Pending the discussion of the tenth resolution the meeting adjourned to the call of the chair. MMM 391.18

The chair at the close of the meeting appointed the committee provided for in resolution 8, as follows: MMM 391.19

L. C. Chadwick, E. E. Miles, C. A. Hall, Daniel 1. Jones, L. R Conradi, J. F. Hanson, and D. T. Bourdeau. MMM 391.20

Erratum-The name of A. R. Henry should have appeared yesterday among the trustees of the Educational Society. MMM 391.21

VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., NOV. 1, 1888. NO. 11.

Thirteenth Day’s Proceedings