Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Fifth Meeting. 2:30 p. m., Oct. 28, 1888

After singing “Sunlight In the Heart,” and prayer by Elder W. J. Stone, the secretary read the minutes of the previous meetings, which were approved. The committee to consider the blanks for members, district and state secretaries, reported as follows: MMM 385.25

Your Committee appointed to examine the blank reports in the members’ pass books, and those for the use of librarians, district and state secretaries, and to suggest such changes as will make all such blanks correspond, would respectfully submit the following: MMM 385.26

We find by a careful examination of these blanks, that the reports in the members’ pass-books contain a few items that are not in the other blanks. We find further, that all these blanks have been prepared with a place for reporting the amount of first days offerings paid in the librarians by the members. We find that this item was inserted in these reports to assist in carrying out recommendation 4 of the committee on finance, found on page 45 of the year book for the year 1888; said recommendation having been adopted by the general conference at its last session. We find further, that after the last general conference dosed, a recommendation was made through the Review, that the first day offerings be paid to church treasurers, instead of librarians, although we cannot find that any reason was given for the change. We find by consulting with several state secretaries, that this change has caused a great deal of confusion and necessitated a great many explanations of the blanks. MMM 385.27

Therefore, In view of these facts, we recommend. MMM 385.28

1. That the committee on resolutions, either in the International Tract Society, or General Conference or both, present a resolution at this session of these bodies, endorsing the recommendation adopted last year, above referred to, and advising our people every where to pay their first day offerings to the librarians with their quarterly reports. MMM 385.29

If the resolution above suggested is adopted, we recommend, MMM 385.30

2. That a resolution be presented to the International Tract Society asking our publishing houses to revise the blanks for librarians, district and state secretaries, making them correspond in every particular with the reports in the members’ pass-books and print a supply of them at once; and we request our state secretaries to order the new blanks in time to furnish the librarians and district secretaries with them before the close of this quarter. MMM 385.31

We find further, that in case the present plan of paying the first-day offerings to the church treasurers is continued, that another recommendation will be necessary, covering certain changes that will need to be made in the reports In the members’ pass-books. We withold any recommendation on this point at present trusting that the foregoing recommendation will meet the approval of the society.
E. W. Farnsworth,
L. C. Chadwick,
R. M. Kilgore,
MMM 386.1

After the thorough discussion of the recommendations the report of the committee was adopted: MMM 386.2

The committee on resolutions reported as follows, which was unanimously adopted: MMM 386.3