Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The first meeting of the Publishing Association of the Seventh Day Adventists was called at 4 p. m. by the secretary, in the absence of the President, Eld. Geo. I. Butler. MMM 381.11

Uriah Smith was chosen temporary chairman. MMM 381.12

The secretary’s report for the last year was read and approved. MMM 381.13

The treasurer’s report was then called for, read and approved as follows. MMM 381.14

financial statement of seventh day advent pub.-association resources
Real estate$54,200 00
Accounts received103,050 64
Notes received12,377 19
Due from banks11,666 72
Cash on hand2,701 94
Office donations1,632 22
Material31,506 04
Unfinished work16,747 49
Books on hand64,619 12
Type8,360 37
Cuts and engravings7,381 00
Machinery, etc45,296 68
Plates and moulds9,379 92
Fuel1,000 00
Net loss for year ending Oct. 1, 18881,325 16
Total$371,244 49
Notes payable$101,152 30
Demand notes25,752 32
Capital stock43,790 00
Accounts payable69,615 79
Donations and Legacies14,532.33
Surplus116,401 75
Total$371,244 49

[original illegible] Eldridge made a report concerning the sale [original illegible] and said that the outlook was never brighter than now. He also gave very satisfactory reasons why the book sales were not as large the last year-amounting to $70,000. On motion the report was accepted. MMM 382.1

On motion the following committees were appointed by the chair: MMM 382.2

On Nominations-T. D. Van Horn, H. Nicola. D. E. Lindsey MMM 382.3

On Resolutions-C. Eldridge, E. W. Farnsworth, C. H. Jones. MMM 382.4

On motion the Association adjourned to the call of the chair. MMM 382.5

A series of instructive lectures has been given on “Justification by faith” by Eld. E. J. Waggoner. The closing one was given this morning. With the foundation principles all are agreed, but there are some differences in regard to the interpretation of several passages. The lectures have tended to a more thorough investigation of the truth, and it is hoped that the unity of the faith will be reached on this important question. MMM 382.6

[original illegible] A. T. Jones has given his closing lecture on church and state, the principles which underlie such union, and their development in the Roman Empire, resulting in the setting up of the Papacy. He showed that the pagan idea of religion and state was that the state was supreme, guiding and controlling religion or the church to its own end. The Papal idea was that the church is supreme, guiding and controlling the state to its own end. The true principle is that enunciated by Christ, “Render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s,” a principle found in our own Declaration of Independence. These lectures will probably be published. MMM 382.7

Among the most interesting and important meetings, are the early morning devotional meetings. The exhoratitions of Sr. White have been most cheering, as she has presented the love of Christ and his willingness to help. That he is waiting to pour out of his spirit upon his people in abundant measure. One important thing in the cause of Christ is to be connected with Christ. MMM 382.8