Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



2:30 p. m. MMM 366.7

Instead of the regular business session at this hour, the society listened with interest and profit to a missionary sermon. After singing “Life’s Harvest,” prayer and Hymn No. 1317, S. N. Haskell remarked that it would be profitable to present some principles that would make us successful in our ministry. MMM 366.8

As long as there are souls to be saved the gospel must be preached. The text may be found 1 Corinthians 8:8-19. These words reveal the motive of the Apostle in all his labors. No man wrote more than he, and his writings have influenced men wherever the gospel has gone, and he occupied about the same place in the christian church that Moses did under the old dispensation. God makes no mistakes in his choice of men. “Though I be free from all men.” He stood free, yet made Himself a servant to all, and in Romans 1:14, he says he is debtor to all men; free, yet a debtor to all. Principles governed him; verse 16.” Though I preach, yet it is of necessity.” MMM 366.9

Paul gave himself to the work, and there was a mutual agreement between Paul and God. Other phases of the work than the ministry may be filled by men and be accepted by God as workers in His cause. God lays responsibilities upon men, they choose to accept it, and yet [original illegible] fail and find woe upon them. MMM 366.10

We can do willingly or we can limit our work and receive no reward. The reward is proportionate to our sacrifice and willingness to labor; verse 18. It was the Apostle’s privilege to have support from his labor, but he was willing to labor without that he might the more certain gain the reward. MMM 366.11

Evidences of a call are seen in the fruit of men’s labor. Souls won to the truth are the fruit of labor,-evidences of a call to labor in the cause of God. MMM 366.12

Did the gospel require that he should make this sacrifice? Are not they that sow spiritual things worthy to share carnal things? Paul did not use this power. God hath ordained otherwise, but Paul would not be chargeable to any. Paul feared that his glory might be made void. We should not demand our rights, but willingly submit to the will of others, and God will honor us in giving us fruit. Why such a scarcity of fruit? The governing principle of Paul’s life is lacking. With him the principle was paramount. MMM 366.13

Paul’s mind was so absorbed that the beauties of nature, the perils and affliction was unworthy to speak of Paul might claim more than other men, yet he considered it foolish to speak of them. Paul’s suffering made him so pre-eminent-2 Corinthians 11:17; 12:7-11. Paul considered his infirmity as a hindrance to his work in the gospel, but the promise of God was given for his encouragement. The glory of God rests upon us when we are helpless and will take hold of the strong arm of Christ for help. When we adapt ourselves to the work God’s glory rests upon us. When our strength fails then the strength of God is given. We must conform ourselves to those we would save to be successful 2 Cor. 12:6 - 13. Customs are different among different nations. MMM 366.14

Great reverence is shown for God His house and ministry in foreign countries. Here we see but little respect shown for God or His house. We should carefully guard against destroying the reverence of the people that are holy. God meets men where they are, and we should do the same, brethren. Even in the islands of the ocean many show more respect and reverence for the things of God than the masses here in this boasted land. MMM 366.15

I was invited to preach on the boat as I was coming over, but I did not know how to run their machine. Something odd was demanded. We chose our usual service; and many congratulated us after the service, but it would not have done in an old or settled church. We must avoid extremes. Sometimes it becomes necessary to get out of our old shells. MMM 366.16

Visiting an old lady in Dublin, at her door I asked to have a season of prayer with her. She excused herself, but finally consented, and as I went in I found a ground floor with hens and chickens around us, and there the Lord met us and blessed us richly. MMM 366.17

The gospel is worth more than all the forms of our select society. Meet the people where they are; sympathize with them, pray for them and thus they may be saved. We must have the spirit of adaptability to succeed. MMM 366.18

The love of Christ should dwell in our hearts-1 Corinthians 1:4. We must have an experience to reach others if we want to help others we must realize the help of God to us-verse 5. Our afflictions are to be turned to account in helping others who are afflicted. Paul and Silas in prison, with feet in stocks, and backs lacerated, they say, and here we learn that Paul could sing. They were there in God’s providence to save the jailer. MMM 367.1

In our journeys we meet many whom we may not meet again until the judgment. Be careful how you meet them, but you need not tell all you know. We need the wisdom of a serpent and the harmlessness of a dove. Leave right impressions upon the mind of those with whom you come in contact. Be sure and do no harm, even if you can do no good. MMM 367.2

This is the Lord’s work, not ours. God does not send us out to cram the truth down men’s threats, but to lead them to the truth. God wants men that he can trust to send to the ends of the earth. It must go now as it did in the apostolic age. MMM 367.3

Any new revelations of light must go to all the nations of the earth. The isles must hear and rejoice. Do you suppose that God will pass them by? Not by any means. The providences of God are going before us to all parts of of the habitable globe; they will be warned before the Lord comes. We are coming to the last days we will soon appear before the great white throne. MMM 367.4

Hundreds of canvassers could be used in foreign lands, and we could find many precious souls in the fruitful field. God will search the honest souls out and save them at the coming of the Lord. MMM 367.5

May the Lord grant his blessing, enlarge out hearts and save us with an everlasting salvation when the Lord shall appear in His glory. Amen. MMM 367.6




VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCT. 23, 1888. NO. 4. MMM 368.4

Fifth Day’s Proceedings