Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis

General Conference Daily Bulletin for 1888

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: This 1888 General Conference Daily Bulletin can also be found in the collection of General Conference Session Bulletins. The copy used for this document had many missing and illegible words, as noted.]

VOL. 2. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., OCT. 19, 1888. NO. 1.
MMM 358.1

First Day’s Proceedings

The Twenty-seventh Annual Session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists began at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Minneapolis, Minn., at 9:30 a. m., Oct. 17, 1888, being called to order by Elder U. Smith, secretary of the conference, the President being detained at home by sickness. MMM 358.2

Prayer was offered by Elder U. Smith. MMM 358.3

On motion Elder S. N. Haskell was appointed temporary chairman. MMM 358.4

Credentials of delegates being called for, showed the following list of delegates, with the state or mission-field represented: MMM 358.5

California-W. C. White, S. N. Haskell, A. T. Jones, C. H. Jones, E. J. Waggoner. MMM 358.6

Colorado-E. H. Gates, C. P. Haskell. MMM 358.7

Dakota-W. B. White, N. P. Nelson, Valentine Leer. MMM 358.8

Denmark-J. G. Matteson. MMM 358.9

Illinois-G. B. Starr, A. O. Tait. MMM 358.10

Indiana-Wm. Covert, Victor Thompson, B. F. Purdham. R. B. Craig. MMM 358.11

Iowa-J. H. Morrison, C. A. Washburn, H. R. Johnson, W. H. Wakeham, W. R. Smith, H. Nicola. MMM 358.12

Kansas-C. A. Hall, L. J. Rousseau, C. McReynolds, J. W. Bagby, S. S. Shrock. MMM 358.13

Kentucky-C. W. Flaiz. MMM 358.14

Maine-J. B. Goodrich. MMM 358.15

Michigan-J. D. Van Horn, J. Fargo, H. W. Miller, G. G. Rupert, Harmon Lindsey, M. B. Miller, C. Eldridge, J. N. Brant, H. S. Lay, Wm. Ostrander, F. D. Starr. MMM 358.16

Minnesota-A. D. Olsen, L. Johnson, H. Grant, C. C, Lewis. Allen Moon, F. L. Mead. MMM 358.17

Missouri-D. T. Jones, J. W. Watt, J. B. Beckner. MMM 358.18

Nebraska-J. P. Gardner, W. C. Boynton, W. N. Hyatt. MMM 358.19

New England-A. T. Robinson, E. E. Miles. MMM 358.20

New York-M. H. Brown, M. C. Wilcox. MMM 358.21

Norway-J. G. Matteson. MMM 358.22

Ohio-R. A. Underwood, H. M. Mitchell, J. E. Swift. MMM 358.23

Pennsylvania-J. W. Raymond, L. C. Chadwick. MMM 358.24

Sweden-J. G. Matteson. MMM 358.25

Central Europe-L. R. Conradi. MMM 358.26

Tennessee-J. M. Rees. MMM 358.27

Texas-T. T. Stevenson. MMM 358.28

Upper Columbia-H. W. Decker. MMM 358.29

Vermont-T. H. Pardon. MMM 358.30

Virginia-R. D. Hattell. MMM 358.31

West Virginia-W. J. Stone. MMM 358.32

Wisconsin-A. J. Breed, W. W. Sharp, W. S. Hyatt, B. M. Shull, P. H. Cady. MMM 358.33

Central America-T. H. Gibbs. MMM 358.34

General Southern Field-T. H. Gibbs. MMM 358.35

The following were counted among the delegates by virtue of their having been in the employ of the General Conference during the whole or part of the year: MMM 358.36

S. H. Lane, O. C. Godsmark, D. T. Bourdeau, A. T. Jones, E. W. Farnsworth, D. E. Lindsey, F. E. Belden, A. R. Henry, R. M. Kilgore, J. F. Hanson, C. W. Olds, Uriah Smith. MMM 358.37

By vote of the conference, W. H. Starbuck, was chosen to represent the Northern Pacific Conference. The British field being without representation, it was voted that Elder S. N. Haskell represent that field. Also voted that Elder G. G. Rupert represent the South American field. MMM 358.38

It was moved that the secretary of the Foreign Mission represent the missionary fields not otherwise represented. MMM 358.39

On this motion Elder W. C. White expressed doubts as to the legality of the action of the conference in appointing delegates to represent those fields that have neglected to appoint their delegates. He moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to carefully consider the matter of the propriety of the conference appointing delegates when the states have neglected their duty in this matter. MMM 358.40

The motion was carried, and the following committee appointed: W. C. White, A. T. Robinson, D. T. Jones. MMM 358.41

The Conference of Arkansas presented a petition to be admitted into the General Conference. After some questions had been asked by different delegates concerning the condition of the conference, and answered by Elders Henderson and Jones, the Arkansas Conference was, by unanimous vote, received into the General Conference, with Elder J. P. Henderson as delegate. A request was read from the Australian Conference for admission into the General Conference. The secretary of the conference read an interesting report of the organization of that conference, and after some interesting remarks by Elder S. N. Haskell on the establishment of the work in that distant land, a motion to admit this conference was carried. MMM 358.42

A motion was made and carried to leave the appointment of the standing committees to the chair. MMM 358.43

The meeting then adjourned to the call of the chair. MMM 358.44

At 10:30 a. m., Elder Uriah Smith discussed the question of the ten horns of the fourth beast of Daniel 7., the speaker taking the position of that the Huns were one of the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided. Some held that Allemanni should be counted as one of the ten kingdoms instead of the Huns. A spirited discussion was held at the conclusion of the remarks, in which a number of the delegates participated. At the close of the discussion it was voted that, taking all the light we have received, and all the reference given, we will faithfully and carefully study this question, praying that the spirit may guide us into the truth. MMM 358.45

It was also voted that the chair appoint a committee of seven to devise a plan by which those who think they have received light on any point, may present it to the denomination. MMM 359.1

At 2:30 p. m. Elder E. J. Waggoner discussed the question of the law of God and its relation to the Gospel of Christ. The discussion was based principally on the Epistle to the Romans. MMM 359.2

At the conclusion of this meeting the chairman of the conference appointed the following committees: MMM 359.3

On Nominations-J. B. Goodrich, J. Fargo. Dan T. Jones. MMM 359.4

On Resolutions-R. A. Underwood, A. T. Robinson, R. Conradi, E. J. Waggoner, E. H. Gates. MMM 359.5

On Licenses and Credentials-R. M. Kilgore, I. D. Van Horn, H. Nicola. MMM 359.6

On Distribution of Labor-E. W. Farnsworth, A. J. Breed, Lewis Johnson, G. G, Rupert, C. H. Jones, to act in connection with the General Conference committee. MMM 359.7

Auditing Committee-The General Conference committee, A. R. Henry, C. Eldredge, J. W. Raymond, J. Fargo, H. W. Miller, A. T. Robinson. MMM 359.8

Financial Committee-Presidents of the State Conferences, C H. Jones, Harman Lindsey, A. R. Henry, C. Eldredge,’ A. T. Jones. MMM 359.9

Committee on Religious Exercises-R. M. Kilgore, R. A, Underwood, J. B. Goodrich. MMM 359.10

Second Day’s Proceedings

At 9 a. m. Elder E. J. Waggoner gave another lesson on the law and gospel. In this lesson the first and second chapters of Galations, in connection with Acts 15, were partially presented by him to show that the same harmony existed there as elsewhere; that the key to the book was “justification by faith in Christ,” with the emphasis on the latter word; that liberty in Christ was always freedom from sin, and that separation from Christ to some other means of justification always brought bondage. He stated incidentally that “the law of Moses” and “the law of God” were not distinctive terms as applied to the ceremonial and moral laws, and cited Numbers 15:22-24, and Luke 2:23-24, as proof. He closed at 10:15 by asking these present to compare Acts 15:7-11, with Romans 3:20-25. Appeals were made by Brother Waggoner and Sister White to the brethren, old and young, to seek God, put away all spirit of prejudice and opposition, and strive to come into the unity of faith in the bonds of brotherly love. MMM 359.11