Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis
R. T. Nash to A. L. White, Jul. 9, 1955
DF 189
Box 443
Highland, Calif.
July 9, 1955
Eld. Arthur L. White
My dear Brother:
I am going to give you a few facts about the 1888 Conference that I saw and heard. Doctor of Divinity E.J. Waggoner and Elder A. T. Jones were given charge of the 9-10 consecration hour but the older ministers reserved the preaching hours for themselves. Elder G.I. Butler, who was General Conference President up to that time, was detained on account of a sick wife a few days. Elder R.M. Kilgore got a bit afraid of the message of “righteousness by faith” that Jones and Waggoner were giving. So at the opening of the consecration meeting he said that the president of the General Conference had been detained on account of a sick wife and he wanted to move that new teaching of righteousness by faith be stopped until Elder Butler would come. MMM 357.1
Sr. White, who was seated on the rostrum, sprang to her feet and said, “Why, brethren, this is the Lord’s work. Does the Lord want His work to wait for Eld. Butler? The Lord wants His work to go forward and not wait for any man.” MMM 357.2
There was no reply to what she said, and Elders Jones and Waggoner went on with their message, mentioned in Testimonies to Ministers, and Gospel Workers, on page 91. MMM 357.3
However, before the Conference was over, Eld. J. H. Morrison, an old debater, spoke against the message. When the nominating committee began their work, they had their little round tent pitched right near the place where I was sawing wood between meetings to keep the big cookstove going at the big dining tent. The chairman called to me and said, “Will you go and get Sister White?” And I did. And when I came with her, he took hold of my arm and said, “Stay with us a few minutes.” Then he said to Sister White, “What shall we do? Eld. Butler and this other older ministers are opposing the message that you say is from the Lord. Who can we get for president of the General Conference?” MMM 357.4
Sister White said, “Have you thought of Elder O. A. Olson? He is in, Scandinavia, and did not come to this meeting.” MMM 357.5
So he was elected and remained in that office for several years. He was president of the Minnesota Conference before he went to Norway, so I knew him well. MMM 357.6
I must tell you I have your Uncle James Edson White’s book, The Coming King. MMM 357.7
(signed) R. T. Nash