Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis

A. G. Daniells to W. C. White, Jan. 21, 1910

A G Daniells to W C White
Jan 21, 1910

I think that while I am writing on this point, I will call your attention to another point. While attending the Florida camp-meeting a few weeks ago, Brother Butler told me in the course of the interview we were having how he felt about the message Jones and Waggoner brought to this denomination in 1888. He spoke especially of their position on the laws and covenants, and then pointed to the course they are now taking, and told me with considerable emphasis, that he never could see light in their special messages, and that he had never taken his position. Now, Brother White, you and I know full well, that those brethren brought light in the laws and covenants, and on righteousness by faith instead of works. The Spirit of Prophecy later endorsed some of the new views they presented. In Patriarchs and Prophets, we find the most positive statements regarding the new covenant, and they contradict the former teaching of our brethren on this subject. Elder U. Smith and Elder J. N. Andrews and Elder Butler, and in fact all our leading brethren were absolutely wrong on the vital question regarding the new covenant. They took the position that it had no force and efficacy whatever until the death of Christ. Whereas, the Patriarchs and Prophets on page 370 and 371 tells us that the new covenant was made with Adam, repeated to Abraham, and ratified by the blood of Christ at his death. It tells us that this covenant was in full force from Adam to Moses, and that it was by this covenant that the people were saved all through the gospel dispensation. Now this is a vital question. The new view absolutely sets aside the old view. MMM 325.1

The point I wish to emphasize is this, that we must not take our position that we will absolutely refuse to listen to anything that differs from what we have believed. This is not to say that the fundamentals pillars of the third angel’s message will over be removed. I do not believe that the fundamental planks will be taken out; but I do believe that some of the scaffolding may be re-replaced by something much better. MMM 326.1

Well, I must not weary you. I would like very much if I could have a good, long talk with you about this important matter. Perhaps you will want to turn this copy I am sending over to Clarence to file in your vault. MMM 326.2

Your sincere brother,
(Signed) A. G. Daniells