Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis

W. M. Healey to E. G. White, Sep. 1901

FROM W. M. Healey
To Mrs. E. G. White;-

Dear Sister;-Your letter came to hand several days ago. Since then I have pondered and prayed over it many hours, both day and night. It is my longing desire to be what God would have me to be, and do his perfect will. To accomplish this I must avail my self of the means of improvement he gives me. I recognize the dangers and accept the warnings you present, and trust I shall profit thereby. MMM 307.1

Somethings in your letter call up so many matters in the past and affect so much of the future. That I am constrained to write to you as I have never written to any one before: I want to stand in a true light before you, and all my coworkers in the cause of God. Will you bear with me while I try to present something of the case before you? First of all, “In me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” When I look into my heart I can say it is “Desperately wicked.” But God has given me the strivings of his Holy Spirit-And when but a child I longed to be like Him, as I grew older my life was drawn out toward, the world, but the spirit followed me, and I turned to the Lord and in hunger and thirst sought for righteousness by faith in my blessed Redeemer. The truths of the Third angels message-came to me, I readily accepted them, as from God and believed they would bring me nearer to Him. These truths have seemed to grow clearer and brighter. But I have been sometimes disappointed in the lives of those who held high and responsible positions in the work. I did not find them as faithful and true, as tender and kind as I had supposed they would be. Some seemed to be seeking positions, and power, and if another did not just please them would make every effort to crush him down. When I saw this I tried to believe that these men were doing what they thought was for the best good of the cause, And while I might condemn their course I prayed that I might love them as brethren and feel toward them as I would desire them to feel toward me if I were doing the same thing. MMM 307.2

I have decidedly objected to some of the ways that have been introduced among us, My memory goes back to the time when oyster supper was served Sunday evenings on our camp ground to get money from the outsiders. I objected to this. When the General Conference brethren came here to get possession of the Pacific Press-the College, and the Sanitarium, I positively could not see that it was right, and told the brethren so. Our people decided with me (Since then the Lord has spoken and said it was not of His Spirit) After the position had been taken by me on this question an effort was made by the General Conference men to get me out of all official positions in the conference-They worked hard with the Nominating committee at our camp meeting, and finally prevailed by claiming that I was responsible for the trouble at Minneapolis on account of letters I had written to brother Butler and made it appear that the Lord had spoken against me (At least that is about the way it was presented) There was no defence and so this prevailed. I have nothing to lay to the charge of these brethren I believe they thought they were doing the proper thing. Later on I was asked to take charge of the work in the North Pacific conference, which was approaching a crisis, on account of the great financial depression and the lack of harmony among the workers. The tithe had fallen off nearly one half, debts were piling up, and no outlook for any relief. I asked to be excused because of my health, and also that it was not consistent with the former work of the General conference brethren. But they insisted and I went and labored hard for three years, And God blessed the work. The financial condition of the country grew worse, but that of the conference improved, Debts were paid as well as the laborers, And we added about three hundred members each year to-the conference (I noticed the official report of a year ago gave only eighteen members for annual increase) While I was in the other conference the General Conference partly accomplished its design in California, by getting the Sanitarium and College under its control. MMM 307.3

The General Conference Superintendent did not seem disposed to help me in my work-He wanted another man there. He openly censured me in my conference meeting because I had not appointed, what seemed to me a useless appendix, the old fashioned committee on resolutions-this to, after I had told him I would appoint one if he insisted on it. Since then all conferences have dropped such a committee-so far as I know. MMM 308.1

Several years ago I presented to the brethren in Northern Calif., the matter of dividing the conference, brethren here were urging it, It was decidedly objected to and I counselled the people here to go right along and let the matter drop. and this was done. The work here has grown up under my supervision more than of any one else among us, When Dr Moran came here he had no worker to counsel with but my self, and we have worked together without a single discord And he has constantly asked that I be continued on the committee of management, and has desired that I assume the responsibility of the financial work of the new institution, also to enter the institution and work for the spiritual interests, which I have done here as I could spare a very little time from other work. But I have no intention of binding myself to the institution. I mention these cases to show that work has not failed under my counsel, Brethren Saunders or Jones can speak as to my long connection with the Pacific Press Board during some perplexing times. Though God has blessed me in these things, I am sorry that I have not been where he could have done much more through me. Like Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit- MMM 308.2

There certainly has been a misconception in the matter of what I wrote to Brother Butler-Brethren Jones and Waggoner presented their views on the law in Galatians at our Workers meeting in Oakland, It was brought in unexpectedly to the brethren, It greatly agitated the camp, little companies all over the grounds warmly debated the question thus driving the spirit of the Lord from the camp. I learned that it was the intention of Brethren Jones and Waggoner to present the matter in the same manner at the General Conference, Knowing the feeling that existed over that subject, and seeing the havoc on the camp ground I thought it would be a mistake to introduce it in that manner to the General Conference-It appeared to me that if the brethren had what they thought was light, it being opposed to our former teaching and belief, it was right to have some understanding with the brethren on the matter. Let them ask to present it as a matter for the study of the brethren, by the consent of all. I corresponded occasionally with Brother Butler and on this occasion wrote to him of our meeting and of the feeling that was being awakened over the “law of Galatians” And told him I understood the matter would come up at General Conference and that I feared the results unless it could be arranged differently from what we had it, I only wrote this one letter, nothing was said in argument for or against the teaching of the brethren, It was simply a friendly letter, and had my idea been carried out and the brethren come together like brethren and agreed on a study of the question I think that the sad state of things would have been averted. I wrote to Brother Butler and asked him if there was [original illegible]. I have seen those who have had special messages for the churches teaching them to accept silly trash which were called “testimonies” And some who by misguided judgement had plunged our institutions into financial difficulties-Men teaching that the image of the beast has been already set up. Others that the Two horned beast is not a symbol of this country-Others that we can get immortality by health reform That it is a sin for any to be sick, That none will die now who live right, That it is wicked to kill a flea, etc-etc-These men are again and again pushed to the highest places of trust and responsibility while one who does not accept such errors is considered unworthy of counsel—by some— MMM 309.1

Concerning the work here I know that what you say is true of the matters of working in harmony, and avoiding suspicion. MMM 310.1

I am not opposed to the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association; I am a charter member of it, in the northern California conference, and have, and will work for its advancement and interest, I can not assent to all it has done, and failed to do-Through its officers it made promises and agreements here which it never kept, I lost money of my own on some of them, and it was only by technicalities that it escaped quite heavy law suits from the outside world. I have criticised the food productions they send out, We have now some crackers and sticks lately received from there, which are like starch dried in the sun-I do not think that the association up there can manage the work here when It does not even do it there as it should be done, If it is thought? best to have the M-M-B Association carry the work here instead of doing it under the conference organization, Then I would say let there be an Association organized in this conference to carry forward the work, and not have an association in one conference appointing the officers and controlling the work in another conference, especially if the conference where the work is will have to pay the debts and manage the bills of the institution. MMM 310.2

I can not advocate that which I believe to be an error. I can change my methods of work, where there is no principle involved. I can not teach all that brethren Jones and Waggoner teach, My opinion is often called for and I decline to give it in the Sabbath Schools, Is that Right? Dear Sister in Christ, I hope I have not wearied you with this, I have felt ashamed to thus try to seemingly defend my self, but I have felt for a long time that these things have been misunderstood and so have been used to my hurt and the injury of the work-I do not say any thing for self, If my judgement is good for any thing, If I have been saved from error, If I have been led to any truth It has not been because of my wisdom, It has been because Jesus Christ has guided me. I desire that self may be daily crucified with Christ and live only as he liveth in me. I am not seeking positions or power. I do desire to be in harmony with God and his work and to have an unfeigned love for the brethren, Whether I see all their plans as they see them or not, Though I believe the Spirit of God will cause us to see eye to Eye! I attribute to them as much honesty of purpose as I claim for my self. MMM 310.3

I have written to you as I might pour out my thoughts to my own mother were she alive to counsel with me, Will you consider me as though I were your own son, You have it in your hand to do so much to encourage or to crush, so far as the work goes. I pray that the Lord of all will guide and bless you in your work and give wisdom and strength for your many trials and duties. Pray for me and mine. MMM 311.1