Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


Uriah Smith to H. J. Adams, Oct. 30, 1900

A Sixteen-Page Weekly: $1.50 Per Annum.
Editorial Department
Alonzo T. Jones Uriah Smith
Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.,
Oct, 30, 1900.
H. J. Adams,
Smithland, Iowa,
Dear Sister:—

Yours of Oct. 20, received. I still adhere to the views expressed in the letter a copy of which you sent me. I have never seen occasion to change my position since 1856. Bro. J. H. Waggoner in his book on The Law of God, published in Rochester, N. Y. took the position that law Galatians 3:19 referred to the moral law. The Brn. in Vermont felt so deeply over it, that Elder Stephen Pierce came on to Battle Creek, to have an investigation of the question. Meetings were held some three days studying the subject, in which we all became satisfied that the position of Eld. Pierce was correct. Bro. and Sr. White both agreed to it. Bro. Pierce’s position was that “the law” in Gal. referred to the whole law system; and the law system was the moral law as a rule of life, and the ceremonial law as a means of recovery from sin, or justification from sin, or the transgressions of that moral law. According to this, the law that was “added,” and that was “our school-master” was the ceremonial, or remedial law. Bro Waggoner would not attend the discussion, and would not yield a particle. A few days afterward, Sr. White had a vision, in which she saw in regard to this investigation, and wrote to Bro. Waggoner, “I saw that your position was wrong.” That settled the question with us. Bro. Waggoner’s book was taken out of the market; and when Bro Waggoner requested its republication, Bro White said. Not until you will change your position on the law in Galatians. But this Bro. Waggoner would never do; and so the book was not republished. But now a great many do not know that Sr. W, has over seen anything on this question, and she has lost what she has written, so it cannot be produced. This is why I understand Brn. now are advocating the views they are. At conference in 1888, I attempted to explain these things; and was at once charged with denying justification through Christ, as false a view, and as unjust a charge, as could possibly be made. I then gave up this question in discouragement, and do not intend to say anything more on the subject. MMM 304.1

Very truly yours,
(Signed) U. Smith

P.S. We mailed you last evening the different numbers of the Review, six in all, that treat on Galatians 3:19. I cannot see their correctness. U. S. MMM 304.2