Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


F. E. Belden to E. G. White, Sep. 26, 1895

F. E. Belden
Chicago, Ill.
Sept. 26, 1895
Mrs. E. G. White
Melbourne, Australia
Dear Aunt:

The article [The Review and Herald, September 17, 1895] which I had published in the Review recently, relative to the Testimonies and my neglect of them, is as plain as anything I can say concerning my position now. I certainly have never appreciated them, and shall do all I can to undo what I have done wrongly in this line. MMM 292.1

The idea that you often write reproof after having received information from somebody, is seemingly a good reason for not accepting it as of the Lord, unless one believes that you are guided in judgment after having received information from some human source. If you are not guided, then much of your writing is worthless, and so with the Bible. I never fully considered the question before, and now find no reason for judging that God has given the Spirit of Prophecy to another; hence have no further criticism as to the manner in which reproof shall come. I fear the “distinction” to which you refer in Testimony 33 is made by many; and perhaps my words through the Review may help others to see their own error in disbelieving and neglecting what God has certainly given for our good. MMM 292.2

Self is worse than a nine-life cat, and must be killed by the Word daily. What a mystery it is! But the mystery of God understood—His character of love and long-suffering—lays bare our own selfishness and perversity. Only by studying the Pattern can I discern my own failures. This study has been neglected, but shall be neglected no more. Not a moment can now be lost. I am seeking daily to draw from the Living Fountain, that my life may be a blessing to others. I have been on the verge of despair and desperation often; but God as mercifully revealed Himself to me in the past, and I trust will still lead one to perfection. May He still lead you is my best wish. I need more of His love within and expect it. MMM 292.3

Affectionately your nephew,
F. E. Belden