Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


O. A. Olsen to E. G. White, Jul. 23, 1893

O. A. Olsen to EGW July 23, 1893

In your former letter you inquire as to how it is with Eld. Smith. I don’t know that I can add anything to what I have said, but you are acquainted with Bro. Smith much better than I am and know his disposition There are some things about his condition that I am at a loss to comprehend. Eld. Butler seems to be making some headway. You noticed the article he put in the Review a short time ago entitles Personal’, where he speaks of his situation, going back to Minneapolis. I was very glad to see that article from his pen. It seemed to indicate that some light is breaking in upon his mind. Soon after this he wrote me on his situation and of his desire to take up labor. He referred to the fact that his long series of articles in the Review had not been appreciated and fort that reason he had not written so much, and so his health had improved. He also related that the Christian denomination at the place where he lives had just dedicated a new church and he was invited to and later on by unanimous vote of the church he had been invited to occupy it on Sundays when they did not use it. He said he took this as an indication that the Lord wanted him to move out and do some preaching and that he had accepted the invitation and for the first time in four years he had addressed a congregation. He also said that he felt greatly blest in doing so and that some of the old fire and love were springing up in his heart. He wrote for as to send him a tent and some one to take charge of it so that in case he should not have opportunity to carry out the meetings in the church they could have the tent. This of course we were glad to do. I was also interested in his statement that in taking up Labor again he should labor differently than he had done, before. That in presenting the truth he should present it from the stand-point of Christ and not in the argumentative way he had done in the past. In fact it was the most interesting letter I have received from him for a long time. And it was glad to see the turn which his mind was taking. I wish I could notice as much change in Eld. Smith. But there are some things that the Lord alone can do and all I can do in many of these cases is to pray that the Lord himself will work. MMM 268.1

[Selection ends here.] MMM 269.1