Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



Toward evening we reached our friends, and what a joyful meeting! They had been kept as much in uncertainty as to our future prospects as we had been, and our coming was entirely unexpected. It was Friday, and providentially the brethren, who were much scattered, and held their meetings sometimes in one village, and sometimes in another, had appointed the Sabbath meeting for this place. Soon our brethren who lived in Japontschi, came in from Aibar, where they had been waiting in vain all day to meet the official who was to examine them. HSFM 265.3

A little later, Bro. Oscar Roth came in from the post-office. He had come all the way from Switzerland to see what could be done for our relief. As my letters written from the prison had not been forwarded, our friends were left in entire ignorance as to our condition and prospects, and they had felt so anxious over the matter that Bro. Roth was sent to ascertain if possible what our prospects were, and to see if anything could be done for our release. He had learned at Odessa that we were soon to be released, but would have hastened on to Perekop on Friday, if our brethren had not urged him to stay with them so as to attend their meeting on the Sabbath, and go with them to Perekop on Sunday. He brought cheering news from my family and the brethren at Basle, besides many letters and a whole package of Reviews and Signs, the first I had seen for over ten weeks. HSFM 265.4

What a blessed privilege it was to be among brethren and friends again, and to have an opportunity to talk with them about the present truth. We held a long meeting that evening, and another on the Sabbath, perfecting the organization of the church and of the tract society. Several promised to be baptized and to unite with the church. HSFM 265.5

Evening after the Sabbath we went to Japontschi, where we met some brethren who had come thirty miles from the south, and had brought with them several persons who had embraced the truth since our imprisonment. This meeting we also regarded as providential, for no appointment had been made for it by the brethren. Our meeting, which began at nine o’clock, continued till near morning, and after a few hours of rest we again assembled. Several persons joined the church and the tract society, and others promised to be baptized at the first opportunity. All seemed anxious to dedicate themselves to the Lord, and they freely gave a tithe of their income for the advancement of his work. The brethren had worked day and night to get through with their harvesting early, that they might sell their grain to raise money for our bail; but while they lost some time in visiting us, and were obliged to sell their grain at the earliest opportunity, the Lord blessed them, and they found afterward that they had received more for their grain than those had who sold later. HSFM 265.6

Sunday afternoon I was invited to lead the Mennonite Baptist meeting, a thing which they had never asked me to do before. During my absence from the place, many inquiries had been made as to whether I could not come and preach again, and now all seemed sorry that I could not remain longer. Several of those who had accused us expressed their regret for having done so. My imprisonment had only increased the interest, and the fact that I had been forbidden to preach created a great demand for our reading matter. HSFM 266.1

We held meetings in several other places, and everywhere found new ones accepting the truth. We also spent a day at Biten, the old home of our Milltown brethren. Here many are in good circumstances; but while they are piling up earthly riches, some are losing sight of the eternal riches which the true followers of Christ will soon possess. HSFM 266.2

September 15 we again reached Eupatoria. Though our campaign in the Crimea had in some respects been a hard one, yet we all felt to thank God for what had been accomplished. There are now about fifty keeping the Sabbath, peace and unity reign among the brethren, and new ones are accepting the truth. The prospects are favorable for the growth of the work if our brethren remain humble. HSFM 266.3