Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



While the government tolerates many creeds, the toleration is somewhat peculiar. Every one is free to practice the religion of his fathers, he can also leave other denominations and join the Greek Church; but woe to the man who tries to leave this church to join another. The “Orthodox,” as the Russians style themselves, are encouraged to proselyte, but if another dares attempt it among them he is liable to be exiled to Siberia. The fact is that while the State Church is ready to receive from all, she gives to none. HSFM 253.4

Notwithstanding this, there are many sects among the Russians, some numbering millions; and many are won to the Protestant faith. But the greatest care has to be exercised by all dissenters who labor here, and nearly all that is done is accomplished by colporter work. As preaching is forbidden, they have only so-called experience meetings, in which the leader, remaining in a sitting position, reads from the Bible, and comments as he goes. The laborer is very careful that his converts shall never mention him, but always the Bible, as the cause for their change of faith. Yet as these converts, before being permitted to leave the State Church, are closely questioned by the priest, then by the bishop, and finally by the civil authorities, the work is always attended with considerable danger. HSFM 253.5