Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
Our party left San Francisco for Australia, May 10, 1885. I reached San Francisco on my return, April 18, 1886. The expenses of our party to Australia, and my expenses while there, amounted to about $2000. The cost of our printing material, presses, and engine, was $4222. The expense of the tent-meeting during the season was between $400 and $450. This was met by donations from the new brethren in Australia. The first three numbers of the Bible Echo cost $353. Our receipts for the same were $160, and the donations to the publishing work, $291. Our book sales amounted to over $700. Besides, this, four hundred copies of “Great Controversy,” Vol. IV., have been sold in New Zealand, and nearly one thousand copies of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” in Australia. More than a thousand copies have been ordered. Six hundred copies of the Bible Echo are sent to Aukland, and three hundred copies to other parts of New Zealand. There are more than one hundred and twenty-five Sabbath-keepers in Australia, and from forty to fifty in New Zealand. Of those who have embraced the truth in Australia, three have given themselves to the work of God. In New Zealand, one has given himself entirely to the work, and one has gone to America to fit himself for greater usefulness, by obtaining a broader experience in the work of the message and a more complete knowledge of the truth. HSFM 108.1
S. N. Haskell.