Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



There is no State Church in the Colonies. The Episcopalians are the most numerous, and the Roman Catholics stand next in number. The Lutherans also are quite strong. Nearly all denominations are represented. The doctrine of the second coming of Christ is not unpopular. Many of the Lutheran ministers, and others who stand high in the church, warmly advocate it; but their ideas of the second advent are of the English type. They believe that Christ will come as a thief, invisibly; that he will take the saints without any one being apprised of the fact, and that after a time they will come down through the air to old Jerusalem, to which place the Jews will return. Then all will have an opportunity to repent and be saved. HSFM 93.2

The people have no clear idea of the fulfillment of prophecy, and when it is shown that the prophecies have been fulfilled in the rise and fall of kingdoms and in the signs of the times, it gives a tangibility to their faith, and makes a deep impression upon many who have been interested in these prophecies, but who have had no definite idea as to when they had their fulfillment. We think it is in this respect only that the Colonies have any advantage over America as a place in which to present the truth. In many respects this is the harder field. New views meet with great opposition. The people are very decided as to their faith, and are determined to maintain it and oppose error. This is as might be expected of an enterprising people whose religious views were established before they came to the Colonies. It will be seen that their opposition would naturally be very strong and bitter. But when they do embrace new ideas, they are as zealous to vindicate them as they previously were to oppose them. HSFM 93.3