Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



After my return to Norway, I bought a small cylinder press for $600. This enabled us to do a great deal more and better work. From the first of July a quarterly called Biblical Sermons was published, containing sermons preached in our hall and taken down in short-hand. At the same time the health journal, Sundhedsbladet, was started, and soon obtained several thousand subscribers. In 1883 the Swedish health journal was started, and in 1884 a Swedish religious journal, Sanningens Härold. The latter is now united, with the American paper of the same name in such a way that the subscribers receive a paper from Norway at the beginning of the month, and a paper from America in the middle of the month. Besides these papers, many tracts and pamphlets and some books were published. HSFM 67.6

July 23, 1882, a Publishing Association was organized, and shares were issued at $2.70 each. I afterward sold the press and the health journal to the Association, so that they own everything belonging to the publishing and printing work. For a few years the printing work was self-sustaining, the facilities not being much enlarged. The books show that in January, 1883, the receipts for the previous year amounted to $1,435, and the property of the Association, after all debts were paid, was $1,281. In the year 1883 the receipts were $2,970, and the property owned by the Association was $1,620. In 1884 the receipts were $3,105, and the property $2,563. In the last-named year, 115,000 papers were printed in all, besides many thousand signatures of tracts and books. HSFM 68.1