Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



All other methods of opposition having failed to stop our work, a general effort was now made to crowd us out of every hall large enough to hold our congregations. The power of the influence of the clergy, in a matter of this kind, can hardly be appreciated by our brethren in the New World. But so difficult did it become to obtain a suitable place for our meetings, that we at last thought of buying some property that we might control a meeting-hall. HSFM 66.1

We found in a favorable location, an old building of considerable size, which was offered on very easy terms. Part of this could be fitted up for a meeting-hall, part for the printing work, and there would then be much room that could be rented for workshops and for family living-rooms. A large lot accompanied the building, which it was thought could be sold for building purposes. HSFM 66.2

In February, 1879, a Building Association was formed, and this property was purchased for $14,580. The payments were to be made in semi-annual installments, extending, if we desired, over a period of thirty years. This looked like a great undertaking; but we had confidence in the cause, and faith that the Lord would help. HSFM 66.3

Up to the time when the new buildings were erected, the rent obtained for the lot and for rooms in the house more than paid the interest and running expenses. To meet the payments on the principal, each member contributed fourteen cents a week; afterward shares were issued by the Building Association, at $5.40 each. The prospect of meeting the yearly payments sometimes looked dark until a few days before the time when they must be made, yet means have always been provided in season. Some one brought $15 or $30, or a friend lent us $50 or $100; and thus the interest and payment have always been met in time. Of late, when the payments have become larger, our brethren in America have helped us to meet them. HSFM 66.4

By the first of June, a part of this house was arranged for a meeting-hall, and dedicated. This hall, with adjoining rooms, could seat some over four hundred persons. There were now eighty members in the church, and from four to five hundred hearers would congregate on Sunday. HSFM 66.5