Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



In September I went to Norway, having been urged to come to Christiania by a man of some influence who had become interested by reading our books. Here I rented rooms for a year for meeting and housekeeping, intending to make this place our home for that time. Then I visited Trondhjem, Bergen, Stavanger, and some other places, holding a few meetings in each place. I found the people in Norway far more religiously inclined than those in Denmark; they are much less tainted by German and French infidelity, and are not so much given to pleasure-seeking. I found also that in this country no restrictions are placed upon preaching, printing, or the sale of books and tracts. What I learned on this trip convinced me that Norway was the best field of labor, and I was satisfied that Christiania should be made the center of our future work. HSFM 62.6

[Illustration] View of Christiania, looking toward the King’s Palace.

About this time the two Brn. Brorsen arrived in Denmark to assist in the work. Through their labors the mission in northern Jylland was extended farther east, and here we have ever since found the best field for our work in Denmark. HSFM 63.1