Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



The first active preacher who joined Eld. Matteson in the Scandinavian field, was Eld. J. F. Hanson, a Baptist preacher of Freeborn County, Minnesota. Eld. Matteson went to his home, and after a short conversation about spiritual things, asked him to take his Bible, that both might turn from text to text, and ascertain, if possible, which had the most Bible evidence to sustain his belief. The questions especially considered were the Sabbath, and the immortality of the soul. This investigation was continued until Eld. Hanson acknowledged the truth, and both he and his family embraced it. HSFM 59.1

Another man in the same vicinity, Bro. H. Rasmussen, was gained in the same way. The Bible reading with him was continued till midnight, and he at once became a Sabbath-keeper, although he had been so much prejudiced by evil reports that at first he would not ask Eld. Matteson to come in, and the conversation was commenced across the fence, Eld. M. standing in the road. HSFM 59.2

Eld. Hanson had preached some among the Baptists, and he soon became a zealous advocate of the truth. Through his earnest labors, many Scandinavian Sabbath-keepers have been raised up in Minnesota and other States. HSFM 59.3

At quite an early date, Bro. O. A. Olsen gave himself to the work of preaching the present truth. His opportunities for obtaining an education had been very limited. He was but a small boy when his parents left Norway. They had but limited means, and in removing to a new country, they experienced the usual hardships and struggles of early settlers. Ole was the eldest of the children, and his help was much depended on at home. While this gave him a practical experience, and developed traits of energy and perseverance, it afforded but little time for a school education. In his first efforts to present the truth he met many discouragements, and was for the time being led to give up the thought of becoming a laborer. But he could not free himself from the conviction that it was his duty to devote his life to this work. Through persevering effort, and the help of God, he conquered difficulties and embarrassments, and the Lord has blessed his labors among both the Scandinavians and the Americans. HSFM 59.4

At a later date, Elds. Lewis Johnson, O. A. Johnson, and others united in the work, and they have since taken an active part in preaching the third angel’s message among the Scandinavians in America. HSFM 59.5