Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists



The recommendation of the Swiss Conference having been favorably received by the General Conference, with the year 1884 the publication of three new journals was commenced in the office at Basle. The Herold der Wahrheit, a sixteen-page German monthly of the same size and form of Les Signes des Temps, was the largest and most important of the three. It was designed to fill the same place in the German European work that Les Signes was already filling in the French. With a commendable zeal the Swiss brethren, although most of them French, subscribed for a large number of copies of this new paper for distribution among their German friends and neighbors. This good work was undertaken by these brethren with as much interest and zeal as though the new periodical had been in their own tongue. The brethren in Germany also subscribed liberally for clubs of the Herold, taking about twelve hundred copies for the missionary work. From the beginning of its publication an edition of five thousand was printed, and of this edition whatever copies were not mailed to regular subscribers were sent out as specimen copies according to the plan adopted with Les Signes. This journal met with a favorable reception, and many subscribers were obtained as the result of sending these specimen numbers. HSFM 42.2

L’Ultimo Messaggio-“The Last Message”-was the title of a sixteen-page quarterly sheet in Italian. Bro. Biglia remained in Basle for a time after the annual Conference, to assist in the preparation of this new sheet, which was to be the messenger of the present truth to that country which had so long been under the direct dominion of error. HSFM 42.3

Bro. Asian had also remained after the Conference to perform a like work in behalf of the journal for Roumania. The preparation of this periodical required especial care, owing to the peculiar accents of this language. But when Bro. Asian returned to his home he carried with him a good supply of the AdevãrPresent -“The Present Truth”-for distribution among his fellow-countrymen. An edition of two thousand copies of each of these quarterly journals was printed. HSFM 42.4