Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists


One-Cent Tracts

SLEEP OF THE DEAD. (Où sont les Morts?) HSFM 296.38

WHICH DAY DO YOU KEEP? AND WHY? (Quel Jour observez-vous? et pourquoi?) HSFM 296.39

CAN WE KNOW? (Pouvons-nous savoir?) HSFM 296.40

THE SEVENTH DAY. ANSWERS TO OBJECTIONS. (Le Septième Jour. Réponses à des objections.) HSFM 296.41

IS THE END NEAR? (La Fin est-elle proche?) HSFM 296.42

IS MAN IMMORTAL? (L’Homme est-il immortel?) HSFM 296.43

FATE OF THE WICKED. (Le Sort du Méchant.) HSFM 296.44

Any of the Publications in the foregoing Catalogue can be obtained at the State Depositories of the International Tract Society, or at the Offices of Publication. HSFM 296.45