Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists


Four-Cent Tracts

THE SECOND ADVENT. (Le Second Avénement.) The object, nearness, and manner of Christ’s second coming. HSFM 296.18

THE SEVENTH PART OF TIME, OR ONE DAY IN SEVEN. (La septième Partie du Temps, ou un Jour sur sept.) Showing that this theory is inconsistent with the text of the law, with reason, and with social order. HSFM 296.19

THE TWO THRONES. (Les deux Trônes.) Representing the Kingdom of Grace and the Kingdom of Glory. HSFM 296.20

THE BIBLE SABBATH. (Le Sabbat de la Bible.) HSFM 296.21

THE THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE. (Le Troisième Message.) An explanation of the symbols of Revelation 13 and 14, and a solemn warning concerning the last great conflict. HSFM 296.22

THE SABBATH IN PROPHECY. (Le Sabbat dans la Prophétie.) An examination of the numerous prophecies of the Old and New Testaments on this subject. HSFM 296.23

PRESENT TRUTH. (La Vérité présente.) Evidences drawn from Biblical analogy and the prophecies, that the end will be preceded by signs and warnings. 3 cts. HSFM 296.24