Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists

One-Cent Tracts

WITHOUT EXCUSE. (Ohne Entschuldingung.) HSFM 295.43

WHICH DAY? AND WHY? (Welchen Tag feierst du und warum?) HSFM 295.44

WHY NOT FOUND OUT BEFORE? (Warum ist solches nicht, etc.) HSFM 295.45

IS MAN IMMORTAL? (Fragen über die Unsterblichkeit.) HSFM 295.46

100 BIBLE FACTS. (100 Biblische Thatsachen.) Gives Bible testimony and plain facts about the Sabbath and Sunday. HSFM 295.47

BRIEF THOUGHTS. (Betrachtungen über die Seele.) Considers the nature of the human soul, and how immortality can be obtained. HSFM 295.48

THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH. (Der christliche Sabbath.) Shall we keep Sunday or Saturday, and why? HSFM 295.49

PERFECTION OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. (Vollkommenheit der zehn Gebote.) HSFM 295.50

THE SLEEP OF THE DEAD. (Der Schlaf der Todten.) HSFM 295.51

IS THE END NEAR? (Ist das Ende nahe?) HSFM 295.52

CAN WE KNOW? (Können wir es wissen?) Shows that we are not at all in darkness about the time of the second advent of our Lord. HSFM 295.53

THE SINNER’S FATE. (Das Schicksal des Sünders.) Treats the question of the endless punishment or final annihilation of the wicked. HSFM 295.54

SUNDAY NOT THE SABBATH. (Der Sonntag nicht der Sabbath.) HSFM 295.55

WHAT THE GOSPEL ABROGATED. (Was hat das Evangelium abgeschafft?) HSFM 295.56