Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists


Four-Cent Tracts

THE THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE. (Die dritte Engelsbotschaft.) Explains the symbols of Revelation 13 and 14. HSFM 295.17

THE PRESENT TRUTH. (Die gegenwärtige Wahrheit.) Proves from the Bible that the end is near. HSFM 295.18

SEVENTH PART OF TIME THEORY. (Der Sabbath als siebenter Theil der Zeit.) HSFM 295.19

THE TWO THRONES. (Die zwei Throne.) Representing the Kingdom of Grace and the Kingdom of Glory. HSFM 295.20

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES. (Biblische Nachweise.) Containing a careful compilation of proof-texts on twenty-five prominent Bible subjects. HSFM 295.21

BIBLE CONVERSION. (Biblische Bekehrung.) HSFM 295.22

PROGRESS AND PRINCIPLES OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. (Entstehung, Verbreitung und Glaubenslehren der Adventisten vom Siebenten Tage.) Gives a historical and doctrinal outline of this people. HSFM 295.23