Handbook for Bible Students
“Abomination,“ | 407. |
Absolution, | 264, 265. |
Acts, key word to, | 42. |
Acts of the Apostles, time of writing of, | 34. |
Adon, | 213, 287. |
Adonai, | 213, 216, 287, 288. |
Adonis, | 471. |
Adrian I, | 280. |
Adrian VI, | 272. |
Aschylus, | 28, 435. |
Ahasuerus, | 169. |
Alexander, | 155, 156. |
Alexander II, | 84. |
Alexander III, | 246. |
Alexander V, | 59, 461. |
Alexander VI, | 86, 411. |
Alexander VII, | 86, 258, 299. |
Alexander VIII, | 299. |
Alexander fulfilling prophecy, | 217. |
Alexandrian Library, | 440. |
Allah, | 215, 352. |
Ambrose, | 10. |
Amestris, | 7, 169. |
Amos, key word to, | 40. |
Anastasius II, | 270. |
Antiochus, | 152. |
Antiochus Epiphanes, | 238, 289. |
Anzan (Ansan), | 168. |
Aphrodité, | 22. |
Apocrypha, | 48, 74, 443. |
Apostles’ Creed, | 140, 141. |
Aquinas, Thomas, | 480. |
Arabah, | 165. |
Arabia, | 372. |
Aramaic of Daniel, | 153, 155. |
Aramaic language, | 472. |
Archaeology, | 88, 235, 371. |
Archelaus, | 225, 227. |
Arminius, James, | 17. |
Ararat, | 195, 205. |
Artaxerxes, | 74. |
Aryans, | 399. |
Asherim, | 22. |
Ashtoreth, | 21. |
Asmonean Family, | 239. |
Assumption of Virgin Mary, | 484. |
Assurbanipal, | 92, 372. |
Assyria, | 357. |
Assyriology, | 235. |
Astarte, | 22, 160. |
Athanasius, | 253. |
Attalus III, | 251, 252. |
Augsburg Confession, | 125, 142, 453. |
Augustine, | 15, 79, 125, 198, 455. |
Augustinus de Ancona, | 268, 270. |
Avignon, | 462. |
Baal, | 22, 32, 160, 484. |
Baalzebub, | 33. |
Baal-Zephon, | 181. |
Babel, | 205, 217, 401. |
Babylon, | 247, 358. |
Babylon, Jews in, | 311. |
“Babylon the Great,“ | 252. |
Babylon, Rome, | 11. |
Babylon’s cup, | 250. |
Babylonian creation, | 139. |
Babylonian cross, | 145. |
Babylonian idolatry, | 248. |
Babylonian pontiff, | 251. |
Babylonian Sabbath, | 450-452. |
Babylonian Talmud, | 471. |
“Babylonish Captivity of the Church,“ | 322. |
Baptism, | 456. |
Barrow, Isaac, | 378. |
Beelzebul, | 23, 33. |
Bel, | 26, 27, 32, 160. |
Bel, “The Confounder,“ | 32. |
Bellarmine, Robert, | 84, 296, 377, 406, 409. |
Bel-Merodach, | 27. |
Belshazzar, | 29-31, 154, 372. |
Beltis, | 484. |
Belus, | 32. |
Benedict IX, | 376. |
Benedict XII, | 411. |
Benedict XIII, | 376, 461. |
Benedict XIV, | 82, 86, 128, 297, 299. |
Bengel, | 429. |
Berengarius, | 479. |
Bernice, | 227. |
Berosus, | 155, 156, 190, 248. |
Bible and Confucius, | 130. |
Birth of Christ, time of, | 301. |
Boniface VIII, | 82, 246, 262, 267, 274, 296, 376, 381, 388, 389, 408, 447. |
Boniface IX, | 461. |
Bossuet, | 377. |
Brahma, | 60. |
Brahmanism, | 83, 235, 351. |
Breastplate of high priest, | 285. |
“Breastplate of Judgment,“ | 484. |
Bricks without straw, | 166. |
Buddha, | 55, 61, 351. |
Buddhism, | 236. |
Buddist, Constantine, | 60. |
Burnt offering, | 360. |
Busenbaum, | 296. |
Calendar, Jewish, | 21, 93. |
Calixtus III, | 270. |
Callistus, | 269. |
Calvin, | 23, 87, 184, 322, 323, 463, 464. |
Calvinism, | 18. |
Cambyses, | 7, 30. |
Canon, | 14, 15. |
Canon, Eponym, | 90, 91. |
Canon, Jewish, | 72. |
Canon of the African Synod, | 197. |
Canon of Ptolemy, | 91, 92. |
Canon, Sardican, | 196, 376. |
Carchemish, | 241, 242, 313. |
Cardinals, College of, | 385. | |
Caste, | 236. | |
Catechism, Roman, | 142-144, 446. | |
Census of Jews, | 198. | |
Cestius, | 290. | |
Chalcedon, 28th Canon of, | 379. | |
Chariots, use of, | 28. | |
Charlemagne, | 243, 245, 280. | |
Charles V, | 22, 84, 142, 160. | |
Chaucer, | 486. | |
Chedorlaomer, | 372. | |
Christ, death of, | 146. | |
Christ, key to the Bible, | 34. | |
Christianity, prophecy a witness to, | 425. | |
Chronicles, key word to, | 37. | |
Chrysostom, | 10, 136. | |
Circumcision, | 163. | |
Classicists (Humanists), | 246. | |
Clement I, | 376. | |
Clement II, | 461. | |
Clement III, | 246. | |
Clement V, | 82, 480. | |
Clement VII, | 460, 461. | |
Clement VIII, | 86, 461. | |
Clement IX, | 258, 299. | |
Clement X, | 299, 410. | |
Clement XI, | 143, 258, 299. | |
Clement XII, | 299. | |
Clement XIII, | 298. | |
Clement XIV, | 62, 299. | |
Clement of Alexandria, | 444. | |
Clementines, | 81. | |
Cleopatra, | 441. | |
Climate before the flood, | 187. | |
Clinton’s “Fasti Hellenici,“ | 155, 156. | |
Cock crowing, | 64. | |
Code of Theodosius, | 468. | |
Codex Alexandrinus, | 53. | |
Codex Ephraemi, | 54. | |
Codex Vaticanus, | 54. | |
Colossians, key word to, | 44. | |
Commandments, perpetuity of, | 319. | |
Concubinage, | 85. | |
Confession of Faith, Belgic, | 58. | |
Confession of Faith, Church of England, | 58. | |
Confession of Faith, Congregational, | 58. | |
Confession of Faith, Freewill Baptist, | 58. | |
Confession of Faith, French, | 57. | |
Confession of Faith, Methodist, | 58. | |
Confession of Faith, New Hampshire Baptist, | 58. | |
Confucius, | 55. | |
Confucianism, | 55. | |
Constantine, | 131, 164, 197. | |
Coptic versions, | 51. | |
Corinthians, key word to, | 43. | |
Corpus Juris, | 81, 82. | |
Council of Arles, | 162. | |
Council of Basle, | 85, 220, 221, 270, 271, 376. | |
Council of Carthage, | 79. | |
Council of Chalcedon, | 131, 196, 378. | |
Council of Constance, | 59, 85, 125, 126, 271, 376, 461, 464. | |
Council of Constantinople, | 127, 270. | |
Council of Ephesus, | 131, 378. | |
Council of Florence, | 126, 221, 376. | |
Council of Frankfort, | 127. | |
Council of Illiberis, | 255, 256. | |
Council of Laodicea, | 15, 76, 79. | |
Council of Lyons, | 376. | |
Council of Nicea, | 77, 78, 80, 127, 135, 162, 253, 255. | |
Council of Pisa, | 376, 461. | |
Council of Thoulouse, | 59. | |
Council of Trent, | 15, 73, 81, 83-87, 126, 127, | |
134, 135, 141-144, 258, 323, 328, 377, 392, 446, 479. | ||
Council, Lateran, | 86, 126, 127. | |
Council, Vatican, | 84, 127, 134, 136, 144, 259, 266, 377. | |
Coverdale, Miles, | 51. | |
Cranmer Bible, | 51. | |
Creation, | 174. | |
Creation demonstrated, | 175, 180. | |
Creed, Apostles’, | 219. | |
Creed, Athanasian, | 219. | |
Creed of Greek Catholic Church, | 219. | |
Creed, Nicene, | 218. | |
Creed of Pope Pius IV, | 144. | |
Criticism, higher and lower, | 228. | |
Crucifixion, | 145. | |
Crucifixion, date of, | 93. | |
Crucifixion, time of, | 303. | |
Crusaders, | 386. | |
Curia, | 385. | |
Cush, 400, 401. | ||
Cyprian, | 34, 185, 196-198. | |
Cyril of Jerusalem, | 10, 79. | |
Cyrus, | 30, 31, 149, 154, 158, 205, 317. | |
Dagon, | 248. | |
Damasus, | 252, 468. | |
Damasus I, | 376. | |
Daniel, | 28, 417, 422. | |
Daniel, key word to, | 39. | |
Darius the Mede, | 30. | |
Dates, ancient, | 95. | |
Dates of the prophets, | 438. | |
Day, natural, | 62, 63. | |
Death of Stephen, | 467. | |
Decretals, | 62. | |
Decretals of Gregory IX, | 81, 82. | |
Decretum of Gratian, | 81, 376. | |
Degeneracy in Evolution, | 176. | |
Deism, | 374. | |
Deposing power of Pope, | 408. | |
Deuteronomy, key word to, | 36. | |
Development downward, | 177. | |
Diodorus Siculus, | 90, 165, 358. | |
Dioscorus, | 380. | |
Doctrine, Jesus Christ center of, | 307. | |
Domitian, | 444. | |
Donation of Constantine, | 197, 281, 282, 376. | |
Douay Version, | 51, 254. | |
Drusilla, | 227. | |
Ebal, Mt. | , | 209. |
Ecclesiastes, key word to, | 38. | |
Ecclesiastical history, writers of, | 237. | |
Ecumenical Councils, | 132, 133. | |
Edom, | 316. | |
Efficacy of sacraments, | 455. | |
Eichhorn, | 230. | |
El, | 212. | |
Elah, | 211. | |
Elam, | 8, 9. | |
Elion, | 213. | |
Elizabeth, Queen, | 410. | |
Elohim, | 211, 212, 215-217. | |
El-Shaddai, | 212, 215. |
Encyclicals, | 61. | |
Ensigns, Roman, | 406. | |
Ephesians, key word to, | 43. | |
Epiphanius, | 163. | |
Epistles of John, key word to, | 43. | |
Epistles, time of writing of, | 34. | |
Erasmus, | 87. | |
Esarhaddon, | 22, 92, 372. | |
Essenes, | 403. | |
Esther, book of, | 148, 183, 372. | |
Esther, key word to, | 38. | |
Eugenius III, | 81. | |
Eugenius IV, | 126, 133. | |
Eusebius, | 91, 162, 444. | |
Eutyches, | 378, 380. | |
Evenings, two, | 64. | |
Evil-Merodach, | 29. | |
Excavations, Babylonian, | 31. | |
Excavator, work of, | 17. | |
Extravagantes Communes, | 82, 83. | |
Exodus, key word to, | 36. | |
Ezekiel, key word to, | 39. | |
Ezra, key word to, | 38. | |
Feast of Tabernacles, | 290. | |
Felix V, | 462. | |
Fleury, | 280. | |
Forgeries, | 275. | |
Fossils, | 206. | |
Galatians, key word to, | 43. | |
Gallicanism, | 136. | |
Gemara, | 471. | |
Gemara, time of, | 457. | |
Genealogy of Herod, | 226. | |
Genealogy of Moses, | 356. | |
Genesis, key word to, | 36. | |
Geology, | 173, 179. | |
Gerizim, Mt. | , | 396, 457. |
Gerizim, temple of, | 13, 239. | |
Gibbons, Cardinal, | 275. | |
Gilgames, story of, | 191, 194. | |
“Glories of Mary, The,“ | 254. | |
Gnosticism, | 164. | |
Gobryas, | 30. | |
Gomer, | 396, 399-401. | |
Goshen, land of, | 183. | |
Gospels, time of writing of, | 34. | |
Gratian, | 197. | |
Gratian, Decretum of, | 81-83, 376. | |
Greek language, influence of, | 16. | |
Greek papyri, | 389-391. | |
Gregory I, | 10, 126, 280, 381, 382, 411. | |
Gregory II, | 411. | |
Gregory VII, | 81, 84, 274, 291, 376, 381, 383-385, 389, 408, 410. | |
Gregory VIII, | 246. | |
Gregory IX, | 81, 386, 410. | |
Gregory XI, | 411, 460, 461, 486. | |
Gregory XII, | 461. | |
Gregory XIII, | 293, 410, 411. | |
Gregory XV, | 258. | |
Gregory XVI, | 128, 258, 296, 447. | |
Habakkuk, key word to, | 41. | |
Haggai, key word to, | 41. | |
Hagiographa, | 331, 369, 370, 474. | |
Ham, | 396, 400. | |
Haman, | 170, 312. | |
Hammurabi, | 8. | |
Hammurabi, Code of, | 30, 235. | |
Hebrew of Daniel, | 153. | |
Hebrews, key word to, | 45. | |
Hefele, Charles Joseph, | 269. | |
Hegira, era of, | 71. | |
Heresy, | 462. | |
Heretics, popes as, | 270. | |
Herod Agrippa, | 227. | |
Herod Antipas, | 225, 227. | |
Herod Philip, | 225. | |
Herodians, | 403 | |
Herodias, | 227. | |
Herodotus, | 7, 32, 90. | |
Hezekiah, | 462. | |
Higher criticism, | 223. | |
Hildebrand, | 383, 384, 387, 388, 410. | |
Hindoos, | 183. | |
Hippolytus, | 163. | |
History, apostolic, | 115-124. | |
History between the Testaments, | 105-108. | |
History and evolution, | 180. | |
History, Gospel, | 109-114. | |
History, Old Testament, | 97-104. | |
Holy Roman Empire, | 22, 159. | |
Holy Spirit, witness to Christ, | 305. | |
Hollybushe, John | 51. | |
Honorius I, | 270, 272, 276. | |
Honorius II, | 246. | |
Honorius III, | 410, 411. | |
Horses of Egypt, | 167. | |
Hosea, key word to, | 40. | |
Hosea, time of, | 437. | |
Host, adoration of, | 481. | |
Hour, | 64. | |
Huss, | 125, 464. | |
Hykos monarchs, | 6. | |
Idumea, | 165. | |
Il, gate of, | 25. | |
Ilu, | 212. | |
Images, worship of, | 253. | |
Immaculate conception, | 144, 267, 447, 484. | |
Immanuel, | 444. | |
In Cona Domini, | 62. | |
Index Librorum Expurgandorum, | 86, 87. | |
Index Librorum Expurgatorum, | 86, 87. | |
Index Librorum Prohibitorum, | 86, 87. | |
India, religions of, | 235. | |
Infallibility, | 134, 136, 375, 446, 482. | |
Infallibility of the Syllabus, | 469. | |
Infant baptism, | 34. | |
Innocent I, | 196. | |
Innocent III, | 274, 324-326, 375, 381, 385-388, 410, 411, 479. | |
Innocent IV, | 82, 268, 410, 411. | |
Innocent VIII, | 271, 411, 461. | |
Innocent X, | 143, 299, 408. | |
Innocent XII, | 299. | |
Innocent XIII, | 299. | |
Inquisition, | 134. | |
Inspiration, | 17. | |
Invasions in Judges, | 314. | |
Invocation of saints, | 126. | |
Ionians, | 401. | |
Irenaus, | 34, 77, 161, 163, 444. | |
Isaiah, key word to, | 39. | |
Isaiah, time of, | 437. | |
Isidore Mercator, | 279. | |
Isidorian Decretals, | 274. | |
Israel, kings of, | 354. | |
Italic Version, | 51. |
Jainism, | 236. | |
James, key word to, | 45. | |
James, vicar of Christ, | 375. | |
Janus, | 33, 268. | |
Japheth, | 396, 400. | |
Jason, high priest, | 13. | |
Javan, | 398, 400, 401. | |
Jehovah, | 212, 214, 215. | |
Jeremiah, key word to, | 39. | |
Jerome, | 10, 52, 464. | |
Jerusalem, | 155, 184, 242, 243, 317, 446, 475. | |
Jerusalem, persecutions at, | 13. | |
Jesus, time of trial of, | 62. | |
Jesus Christ, | 211, 253. | |
Jesus Christ, genealogy of, | 198. | |
Jesus Christ in Old Testament, | 368. | |
Jesus Christ, the offering, | 359. | |
Jesus Christ in prophecy, | 423, 424. | |
Jesus Christ, promise of, | 240. | |
Jesuits, | 136, 271. | |
Jews, idolatry of, | 249. | |
Job, key word to, | 38. | |
Joel, key word to, | 40. | |
John XII, | 244. | |
John XXII, | 81-83, 268, 411. | |
John XXIII, | 376, 461. | |
John Palaologus, | 220. | |
John, key word to, | 45. | |
Jonah, key word to, | 40. | |
Jordan valley, | 16. | |
Joseph, genealogy of, | 200, 201. | |
Joseph’s visit to Egypt, | 167. | |
Josephus, | 30, 63, 88, 90, 91, 155-157, | |
223-225, 227, 358, 396, 403, 406, 457. | ||
Joshua, key word to, | 37. | |
Judah, kings of, | 355. | |
Judas Maccabeus, | 13, 324. | |
Jude, key word to, | 45. | |
Judges, key word to, | 37. | |
Justification, | 126. | |
Justinian, | 132, 449. | |
Justin Martyr, | 77, 146, 163. | |
Kalends, Roman, | 71. | |
Keys of the kingdom, | 408, 409. | |
Khatti, | 241. | |
Kheta, | 241. | |
Kingdom of heaven, | 371. | |
Kings, key word to, | 37. | |
Koran, | 56. | |
Kuenen, | 436. | |
Lactantius, | 10. | |
Lady Day, | 259. | |
Lamentations, key word to, | 39. | |
Langton, Stephen, | 324, 386. | |
Law of offerings, | 366. | |
Lent, | 161. | |
Leo I, | 377-381, 411. | |
Leo III, | 244, 245. | |
Leo IX, | 84, 219, 383, 411. | |
Leo X, | 87, 264, 407. | |
Leo XIII, | 86, 87, 276, 296, 411. | |
Leviticus, key word to, | 36. | |
Liberius, | 269. | |
Liber Pontificalis, | 281. | |
Liberty of conscience condemned, | 447. | |
Liberty of speech condemned, | 447. | |
Liguori, | 254, 296, 377. | |
“Living soul,“ | 466. | |
Lombards, | 382. | |
Lord’s Supper, | 453, 456. | |
Luke, key word to, | 42. | |
Luke’s Gospel, census in, | 88. | |
Luther, | 23, 87, 125, 160, 265, 291, 321, 322, 454. | |
Luther on sacraments, | 456. | |
Madai, | 397, 400, 401. | |
Madonna, | 250, 484. | |
Magna Charta, | 375. | |
Magog, | 397, 400. | |
Malachi, key word to, | 41. | |
Manetho, | 91, 92, 166, 242. | |
Manning, Cardinal, | 276. | |
Manuscripts, Greek, | 53. | |
Manuscripts of Bible, | 53. | |
Manuscripts of Bible, Greek, | 53. | |
Manuscripts of New Testament, | 35 | |
Maria Theresa, 298. | ||
Mark, key word to, | 42. | |
Martin V, | 133, 376, 461. | |
Mary, genealogy of, | 198-200, 202-204. | |
Mass, | 126, 253. | |
Massorah, | 438. | |
Matthew, key word to, | 42. | |
Maxim of Jesuits, | 297. | |
Meat offering, | 361. | |
Mediation of Pope, | 411. | |
Megiddo, | 312. | |
Melanchthon, | 23, 322. | |
Menephthah, | 166, 182, 284, 372. | |
Menephthah II, | 168. | |
Merodach, | 27, 29, 33. | |
Mesha, king of Moab, | 347. | |
Messiah, | 198, 332. | |
Messiah, Babylonian, | 250. | |
Messianic prophecy, | 415, 419, 425-432. | |
Methodism, | 18. | |
Micah, key word to, | 40. | |
Ministry of Christ, length of, | 302. | |
Miracles, | 12, 416. | |
Mishna, | 471. | |
Mishna, time of, | 457. | |
Missing links in evolution, | 175. | |
“Mistakes” of New Testament, | 17. | |
Miter, papal, | 413. | |
Mithras, | 183. | |
Moabite Stone, | 372, 465. | |
Modern idolatry, | 252. | |
Mohammed, | 55, 342. | |
Mohammedanism, | 235. | |
Mohammedans, number of, | 353. | |
Möhler, | 377. | |
Monkeys to infidels, | 178. | |
Monothelite heresy, | 270. | |
Month, Hebrew, | 64-66, 69. | |
Monuments, | 205. | |
Monuments, testimony of, | 9. | |
Moral theology of Jesuits, | 295. | |
Mordecai, | 170. | |
Moses, | 166. | |
Mosheim, | 405. | |
Mother of God, | 253, 254. | |
Mt. | Hor, | 316. |
Müller, Max, | 177, 396, 399. | |
Muratorian fragment, | 74, 75. | |
Mystery of iniquity, | 407. | |
Nabonassar, era of, | 20, 25, 26. | |
Nabonidus, | 154, 372. | |
Nabopolassar, | 313. | |
Nabuniad, | 29, 30. |
Nahum, key word to, | 41. | |
Napoleon, concordat of, | 128. | |
Natural selection, | 175. | |
Natures of Christ, | 307. | |
Nebo, | 27. | |
Nebuchadnezzar, | 28, 29, 31, 95, 148-150, 156, 205, 289. | |
Nebuchadrezzar, | 93, 154, 372. | |
Nehemiah, key word to, | 38. | |
Nestorius, | 131. | |
Ne Temere Decree, | 329. | |
New Testament canon, | 75, 77-81. | |
New Testament, Hebrew, | 52. | |
Newton, Sir Isaac, | 18, 19. | |
New Year, | 70, 185. | |
Nicanor, | 324. | |
Nicolas I, | 218, 280-282, 376, 381, 382. | |
Nicholas II, | 84, 246, 384. | |
Nicolas III, | 268, 411. | |
Nicolas V, | 411. | |
Nimrod, | 357, 401, 443. | |
Nin (Ninus), | 249, 357. | |
Nineveh, | 313, 372, 401. | |
Nirvana, | 61. | |
Noah, | 195, 396. | |
North, kings of, | 238. | |
North, significance of, | 23. | |
Numbers, key word to, | 36. | |
Nundina (periods of eight days), | 68. | |
Obadiah, key word to, | 40. | |
Old Testament, | 229. | |
Olympiad, | 19, 20, 91. | |
Onias, high priest, | 13. | |
“Onion-coat” theory, | 175. | |
Origen, | 15, 196. | |
Otto the Great, | 243, 244. | |
Otto IV, | 387. | |
Paganism, | 126, 253. | |
Pantheon, chaldean, | 26. | |
Parsees, | 183, 487. | |
Paschal III, | 246. | |
Paschasius Radbertus, | 479. | |
Passover, | 93, 160, 224, 302. | |
Patmos, | 444. | |
Patriarchs, length of life of, | 94. | |
Paul, chronology of, | 96. | |
Paul III, | 142, 272, 410. | |
Paul IV, | 86. | |
Paul V, | 258. | |
Peace offering, | 362. | |
Pelagius II, | 382. | |
Pelayo, Alvaro (Pelagius), | 268, 270. | |
Penance, | 261. | |
Pentateuch, | 231, 331, 367, 423, 457. | |
Pentateuch, Samaritan, | 52, 90. | |
Pentecost, | 69. | |
Pergamos, | 251, 252. | |
Persia, | 168. | |
Pessimism, | 60. | |
Peter, key word to, | 45. | |
Peter, Second Epistle of, | 76. | |
Petrarch, | 246. | |
Pharaoh, | 6, 168, 182, 183. | |
Pharaoh-Meneptah, | 24. | |
Pharaoh Necho, | 313. | |
Pharisees, | 184. | |
Philemon, key word to, | 44. | |
Philip the Fair, | 386, 388, 389. | |
Philip of France, | 246. | |
Philippians, key word to, | 44. | |
Philo, Logos of, | 319, 330. | |
Philosophy, Grecian, | 16. | |
Phocas, Emperor, | 381. | |
Pi-hahiroth, | 181. | |
Pinches, Dr. | , | 30. |
Pindar, | 435. | |
Pithom, | 166. | |
Pius IV, | 83, 86, 127, 133, 141-143. | |
Pius V, | 133, 410. | |
Pius VII, | 300. | |
Pius IX, | 62, 127, 134, 135, 137, 144, 257, 258, 276, 296, 408, 447. | |
Pius X, | 86, 87, 296. | |
Polycarp, | 162. | |
Polyhistor, | 28. | |
Polytheism, | 29. | |
Polytheism, Babylon and Assyrian, | 26. | |
Pontifiex Maximus, | 251, 252, 412, 413. | |
Pontius Pilate, | 468. | |
Pope, | 220, 261, 277, 469. | |
Pope and councils, | 132. | |
Pope, coronation of, | 128. | |
Pope, deposing power of, | 385. | |
Popillius and Antiochus, | 13. | |
Por (Pul), | 477. | |
Presbyter, | 414. | |
Priests, sacrificing, | 414. | |
Prophets, | 331. | |
Porphyry, | 157. | |
Priesthood, | 277. | |
Probabilism, | 294. | |
Protestants, | 134, 142, 392, 442, 443, 464. | |
Protestantism, | 134, 292, 300, 469. | |
Proverbs, key word to, | 38. | |
Psalms, key word to, | 38. | |
Pseudo-Clementine Homilies, | 375. | |
Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals, | 385, 388. | |
Ptolemies, | 238. | |
Ptolemy’s Canon, | 20, 155. | |
Pul (Por), | 22, 477. | |
Pur (Purim), | 170. | |
Purgatory, | 126, 262, 265. | |
Purim, | 302. | |
Quakers, | 323. | |
Quartodecimani, | 161, 162. | |
Queen of Heaven, | 250. | |
Queen of Sheba, | 372 | |
Ra, | 24, 168 | |
Ramses II, | 168. | |
Ramsay, Prof. Sir. W. | 177. | |
Rationalistic hypothesis of prophecy, | 420, 421. | |
Reformers, | 322. | |
Reformers on sacraments, | 456. | |
Reformers, English, on Antichrist, | 11. | |
Reformers, Protest of, | 254. | |
“Remonstrance” of | 1610, 17. | |
Rescript, | 62. | |
Resurrection, | 304. | |
Revelation, book of, | 77, 78. | |
Revelation, key word to, | 46. | |
Revelation, prophecies of, | 266. | |
Revelation, time of writing of, | 34. | |
Revolution produced by Christ, | 309. | |
Robbers’ Council, | 378. | |
Rocks, ages of, | 206. | |
Roman priesthood, | 412. | |
Romans, key word to, | 43. |
Route of exodus, | 181. |
Ruth, key word to, | 37. |
Sabbath, | 67, 69, 93, 163, 235. |
Sacraments, | 126, 129. |
Sacred books of the East, | 54. |
Sadducees, | 403. |
Salamis, battle of, | 18. |
Samaria, capture of, | 372. |
Samaria, siege of, | 283. |
Samaritan Old Testament, | 50. |
Samaritans, | 210, 393, 396, 406. |
Samuel, key word to, | 37. |
Sanballat, | 396. |
Sanhedrin, | 50. |
Sarah (Abraham’s wife), | 5. |
Sardican Canon, | 196, 376. |
Sargon, | 22, 92, 241. |
Satan, seat of, | 11. |
Scenery of the Revelation, | 445. |
Scheme of Pentateuch, | 395. |
Schism, Great, | 487. |
Schleiermacher, | 431, 432. |
Schoolmen, | 260. |
Second commandment, | 256. |
Seleucid era, | 91. |
Sennacherib, | 22, 92, 205, 239, 289, 372. |
Septuagint, | 14, 46-50, 90, 140, 185, 216, 313. |
Serpent, | 460. |
Seven, in Bible, | 56. |
Shaddai, | 213. |
Shalmaneser, | 22. |
Shalmaneser II, | 92, 241. |
Shalmaneser III, | 31. |
Shalmaneser IV, | 283. |
Shem, | 396, 401. |
Shishak, | 372. |
Shushan (Susa), | 168. |
Sibyls, | 150. |
Sigismund, | 85. |
Sieges of Jerusalem, | 289. |
Silvester I, | 197, 376. |
Simancas, | 409. |
Sin offering, | 363. |
Sistine Chapel, | 127. |
Site of Solomon’s temple, | 474. |
“Six hundred sixty-six,“ | 444. |
Sixtus IV, | 259. |
Sixtus V, | 86, 377. |
Smalcald Articles, | 142. |
“Societas Jesu,“ | 292. |
Son, meaning of, | 199. |
Song of Solomon, key word to, | 39. |
Sonship, how counted, | 31. |
South, significance of, | 23. |
Spinoza, | 374, 375. |
Stephen II, | 244. |
Stephen IX, | 84. |
Strabo, | 90, 358, 398, 479. |
Structure of Old Testament, | 367. |
Suarez, | 296. |
Sunday, | 162. |
Sun worship, | 167. |
Suppression of Jesuits, | 298. |
Syllabus, | 447. |
Syriac Version, | 50, 51. |
Syricius, | 159. |
Tabernacle, | 284. |
Tablets, contract, | 31. |
Talmud, | 331, 370. |
Tanis, | 182. |
Targum, Chaldee, | 47. |
Targums, | 50, 153. |
“Taxes of the Apostolic Chancery,“ | 264. |
Temple, cleansing of, | 152. |
Temple, day of capture of, | 67. |
Temple, site of, | 210. |
Temporal power of Pope, | 482. |
Tenets of Sadducees, | 457. |
Tertullian, | 9, 34, 89, 163, 196. |
Testimony of prophecy, | 418. |
Tetzel, | 262, 263. |
Theme of Pentateuch, | 394. |
Theocracy of Gregory VII, | 385. |
Theodosius the Great, | 131. |
Theodosius II, | 131. |
Thermopyla, Hebrew, | 239. |
Thessalonians, key word to, | 44. |
Thoth, Egyptian, | 20. |
“Three Chapters,“ | 272. |
Thucydides, | 19. |
Thummim, | 483. |
Tiamat, | 26. |
Tiara, | 128. |
Tiglath-Pileser, | 22, 30, 241, 442. |
Tiglath-Pileser I, | 242. |
Tiglath-Pileser III, | 92. |
Timothy, key word to, | 44. |
Titus, | 290. |
Titus, key word to, | 44. |
Tiras, | 398, 400. |
Torah, | 47, 331. |
Tradition, | 126. |
Translations of Bible, | 54. |
Transubstantiation, | 12, 126, 322. |
Treasury of merits, | 260-262. |
Trespass offering, | 365. |
Trinity, | 247, 250. |
Tubal, | 398, 400. |
Twelve, in Bible, | 57. |
Tyndale, William, | 51. |
Ullathorne, Bishop, Newman’s Letter to, | 273. |
Ultramontanism, | 291. |
“Unam Sanctam,“ | 388, 389, 408, 447. |
Uniformity, theory of, | 208. |
Unity of Genesis, | 205. |
Unity of the Old Testament, | 368. |
Universal (Ecumenical) Bishop, | 382. |
Universal Priest, | 10. |
Ur of the Chaldees, | 5, 6, 205. |
Urban IV, | 480. |
Urban VI, | 460, 461. |
Urban VII, | 299. |
Urban VIII, | 410, 411. |
Ussher, | 91, 167. |
Veda, | 55. |
Vedanta, | 373. |
Venus, | 22. |
Venus Genetrix, | 251. |
Vicar of Christ, | 12, 409, 413. |
Vicar of Christ, James, | 375. |
Vice-Christ, | 9. |
Victor, | 161. |
Victor II, | 411. |
Victor IV, | 246. |
Vigilius, | 132, 269, 272. |
Virgin Mary, | 254, 257, 258, 261, 267, 446, 447. |
Vulgate, | 14, 50-53, 377, 443. |
Waldenses, | 125. |
Watches of the night, | 64. |
Week, Grecian, | 71. |
Week, Jewish, | 64, 67, 68. |
Wernz, Francis Xavier, | 296. |
Wesley, John, | 18. |
Word (Logos), meaning of, | 319. |
Wycliffe, John, | 51, 125, 443. |
Xerxes, | 7, 18, 169, 217, 312. |
Yahveh, | 287. |
Year, Jewish, | 65, 70. |
Yom Kippur, | 185, 186. |
Yule Day, | 89. |
Zechariah, key word to, | 41. |
Zend-Avesta, | 55. |
Zephaniah, key word to, | 41. |
Zephyrinus, | 269. |
Zoan, | 182, 183. |
Zoroaster, | 55. |
Zosimus, | 196, 269. |
Zwingli, | 23, 322. |