Handbook for Bible Students

4. ‘Elion and Shaddai

The fourth name is ‘Elion [Hebrew word], the Most High. It is used thirty-nine times, chiefly in the Psalms, but occurs as early as Genesis 14:18, 19, 29, in connection with Melchizedek, also in the vaticination of Balaam. Numbers 24:16. It reminds us that God is far above ma n, that he is the Most High, the Supreme Being. HBS 213.2

The name usually translated “the Almighty” is Shaddai [Hebrew word]. Perhaps “the all-sufficient” would be a better translation. It marks the divine bounty, and is used with special force in the promises made to the patriarchs. It is freely used in Job, and rarely in Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Joel. It occurs in Numbers 24:4, 16, in the mouth of Balaam, and in Ruth 1:20, 21, where Naomi the Moabitess uses it. Occasionally we find it in the composition of proper names, as in the name Zurishaddai, “the Almighty is my Rock.” HBS 213.3