Bible History Old Testament Vol. 3

Part III

24. Blessed among women, Jael, The wife of Heber, the Kenite, Among women in the tent 38 blessed! BHOTV3 113.7

25. Water asked he—milk she gave, In the cup of the noble 39 brought she thickened milk 40 BHOTV3 113.8

26. Her hand to the tent-nail sendeth forth, And her right hand to the ponderous hammer of workmen—Hammers 41 she Sisera, shivers 42 his head, Cleaves 43 and pierces his temple! BHOTV3 113.9

27. Between her feet he winds—he falls—he lies—Between her feet he winds—he falls—Where he winds there he falls desolated! 44 BHOTV3 113.10

28. High up through the window spies—anxiously she calls, The mother of Sisera—cut through the lattice: ‘Why tarrieth his chariot to come, Why linger the steps of his war-chariots?’ BHOTV3 113.11

29. The wise of her princesses answer—Nay, she herself answers her words to herself: ‘Are they not finding—dividing spoil— BHOTV3 114.1

30. A maiden-twain maidens to the head of the warriors—Spoil of dyed garments to Sisera, Spoil of dyed garments—many-colored kerchief—A dyed garment, twain many-colored kerchiefs for the necks of the prey! 45 BHOTV3 114.2

31. So perish all Thine enemies, Jehovah—And let those who love Him be like the going forth of the sun in his strength! And the land had rest forty years. BHOTV3 114.3