Lt 262, 1906

Lt 262, 1906

Haskell, Brother and Sister

Sanitarium, California

August 2, 1906

Previously unpublished.

Dear Brother and Sister Haskell:

I have just received and read your letter. What you have proposed seems to me to be the very best thing you can do. Come to Oakland, and we will do our very best to see that you have suitable accommodations. If rooms cannot be secured, we can furnish you with a tent. The new tent that I occupied at the camp-meeting can be secured for $25, and I may decide to purchase it. 21LtMs, Lt 262, 1906, par. 1

The atmosphere is cooler in Oakland than in St. Helena. I hope you may be able to carry a light burden and secure the rest you need. We shall do all we can for your comfort, and you can spend your time in the way that seems to you most profitable. 21LtMs, Lt 262, 1906, par. 2

I wish to get this in the evening mail so will close my letter now. I have just written letters to Australia. W. C. White reached home this noon. 21LtMs, Lt 262, 1906, par. 3

Yours in the faith. 21LtMs, Lt 262, 1906, par. 4