Pastoral Ministry



Ministers need a steady experience, not one that flames up on special occasions, then grows dim—The ministers of Jesus Christ must teach, both in the church and to individuals, the fact that a profession of faith, even by Seventh-day Adventists, unless it proceeds from heartfelt piety, is powerless for good. Religious light is to shine forth from the church, and especially from the ministers, in clear, steady rays. It is not to flame up on special occasions, and then grow dim, and flicker, as if about to go out.—Testimonies for the Church 5:531. PaM 39.1

If a minister is not reliable, other gifts cannot make up for itBrother C can speak in a manner to interest a congregation, and if this were all that is necessary to make a successful preacher, then a class of brethren and sisters would be right in their estimation of him. But he is not a thorough workman; he is not reliable.—Testimonies for the Church 1:448. PaM 39.2