Pastoral Ministry


World Church

Support offerings for imperiled institutions—When the Lord places before us an appeal to be responded to, just at the time when offerings are to be made by our people, let the ministers and church officers take up the matter earnestly and vigorously. Let them as stewards of God decide what is to be done, and then do it. This is absolutely necessary when our institutions are in so great peril.—The Review and Herald, March 19, 1901. PaM 261.1

Holiday gifts should be given to foreign missions—Every dollar and every dime that we can spare is needed now, to aid in carrying the message of truth to other lands. At the holiday season much is spent by our own people upon gifts and various gratifications which are not only useless but often hurtful. Appetite is indulged, pride and self-love are fostered, and Christ is forgotten. If the money usually devoted to these objects were all brought into the mission treasury, our foreign missions would be lifted above embarrassment. Shall we not this year consecrate to God not merely a part but all our holiday gifts for the relief of His cause, which is in so great need? How can we more appropriately celebrate the coming Christmas, how better express our gratitude to God for the gift of His dear Son, than by offerings to send to all the world the tidings of His soon coming?—The Review and Herald, December 6, 1887. PaM 261.2